Cruising Past Seventy: The Inner Journeys: Telling Stories Better than Words Can Ever Weave

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Telling Stories Better than Words Can Ever Weave

Little did I know that my third try at marriage would bring out 
my passion for telling stories through travel, words, and yes, even pictures.

Telling Our Stories

After we married, Bill bought an RV, and we went full-time RVing for a total of eight years.  He had the foresight to buy not just a huge GPS but also a Nikon DSLR. On this my third try, I was given the tools with which to give life to previously unspoken passions. He became my travel buddy; he painstakingly edited my blog posts; and he gifted me the cameras with which to take pictures. As someone said: "Once you learn to care, you can record images in your mind and film. There is no difference."

Winning Photo Contests

After completing five years of RVing when we turned 65 and 70, our bodies told us to find more convenient ways of traveling. We turned to snowbirding in Phoenix, Arizona during winter, traveling the world and visiting our children the rest of the year.   

Resort living became our lifestyle between trips. Four pools, six hot tubs, two saunas, ten tennis and ten pickleball courts, two golf courses, a shuffleboard court, a softball field, a billiards hall, many hobby and crafts rooms, a dance studio, a computer lab, many meeting rooms, three clubhouses, three ballrooms, a Pub & Grill. etc. made sure of that. In the fourth year, we sold our RV and bought a home for a base. Part of the draw was some 50 clubs. One of them, the Viewpoint Photography Club, became my favorite.

In my very first year of joining the annual Viewpoint Photo Show, I won Best of Show, People’s Choice, and Judges’ Choice in the Bronze Division with my photo of the Blue Doors of Tunisia. Beginner’s luck! I was immediately bumped into the Silver Division and the competition became stiffer. Still, in the following years, I kept on winning more. Seeing that my passion had grown, my husband upgraded my tools and gifted me with a Sony mirrorless digital camera to replace the bulky Nikon DSLR of 8 years.

Making Stories Deeper

Beginning in 2019, we took comfort travel up another notch and made Mexico our second home through our El Cid Vacations Club timeshare. From January 1 to March 31, when it turns "cold" in the desert, we stay at one of their resorts either in Mazatlan or Cancun. We stay in our Arizona base during spring and fall. In the hot summer months, we use our two other timeshares and visit our children in their homes, all cooler places.   

But I had to give up my membership in the Photography Club which operated during the winter season when all the snowbirds were in Viewpoint. I turned to photography basics to tell better stories, not to win contests. I resorted to natural lighting, good composition, and evocative shots. As I polished my writing into travel essays, my photos also began to tell deeper stories, the inner journeys.  

When Even Photographs Will Be Inadequate

Now we have reached that phase when we travel less. We are traveling more from our armchairs. Just in time, Bill has shifted me to the best camera phone on the market, the S21 Ultra. He said it’s time to capture life, especially family life, with more convenience.  

And I won’t mind if these Ansell Adams words come true: "When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence." I thank Bill for my retirement life of travel, writing, and pictures. 

Adventures with Family in the Mile-High City

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  1. It sounds like you and Bill have had such wonderful adventures together in your marriage! I'm so happy for you.

  2. Wow! Your RV travels sound like the adventure of a lifetime. I'm so glad you found a travel companion and partner for life in Bill!

  3. A picture tells a thousand words, and a great picture tells even more. I always love taking as many photos as possible when I travel.

  4. Photos are the best way to capture memories. It's so important to take as many as we can for any special event or trip.

  5. Exploring the inner journeys that come with cruising past seventy sounds fascinating! This blog post is full of wisdom and insights on embracing life's adventures.

  6. You come across as a very loving and caring couple! I am glad to gather that you are following your passion and a bit intrigued to know how Photography clubs exist and function! I wish to join one near me!

    1. A group of photographes band together, share educational sessions the whole year, and stage an annual photo show with invited judges.

  7. I love reading your blog. I am glad you enjoy your retirement life to the hilt. Congratulations on winning in the Photo Contest.

    1. Your RVing years sound like a dream. It's clear that Bill's support and encouragement played a significant role in nurturing your talents.

  8. I am so addicted to reading about your adventures, just wonderful and very very inspiring...I can't wait to read about future adventures....can't wait.

  9. That is great that you have had so many amazing travel experiences, and that you are also able to share so many stories and photos with friends and family, and people around the world.

  10. I like the way you are chronicling your adventures. Love the photos and stories.

  11. I absolutely loved reading about your transition from full-time RVing to snowbirding and how your photography journey evolved along the way. Your story is a testament to the power of passion and perseverance.

  12. Sounds like you guys have a wonderful and a life full of adventure with your husband and creating amazing memories together is what matters!


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