
Tuesday, July 16, 2024


New Year snow in Phoenix

Lady Byrd Johnson once said: “When I no longer thrill to the first snow of the season, then I’ll know I am growing old.” That will never happen because I refuse to grow old and it doesn’t snow in Phoenix. But at a New Year’s Eve Party somewhere north of Phoenix, my husband and I experienced the impossible. Snow fell! That was a decade ago and it hasn’t happened again, but I remember the thrill we both felt.

I love first-time thrills like that and always look for more because age does not matter. Just be open to experiencing the rare, the unexpected, and even the scary. Somebody said, “If it excites and scares you at the same time, then it probably means you should do it.” It will give you a first-time thrill.

Exciting and Scary

At Yukon’s Dawson City, I had waited all night for the Northern Lights to appear only to be disappointed. My doting husband knew he had to find a way to perk me up. He decided to drive to the Arctic Circle on the Dempster Highway. We had passed up the opportunity to do it from Fairbanks, Alaska on the shorter and better Dalton Highway. He was afraid our old Class C motorhome might not make the remote dirt gravel road because there was only one stop on the way that could help just in case.  

Soon, the unique fall spectacle unfolded before our very eyes. The trees and shrubs grew shorter; it turned into a brighter red, orange, and gold alpine tundra. The landscape became an autumnal carpet of lichens and fungi that hugged the Tombstone Territorial Park. We were shivering in that quiet cold windy spot, but it was well worth the drive! I may stil not have seen the Northern Lights (saw them later on another trip to Anchorage) but I got an even better thrill!

Difficult and Untried

Just two months later I did one thing I had never been able to do throughout my childhood. The Philippines would have been a great place to do it but I thought it was difficult for a wimp like me. We had traveled to visit my sister in Falls Church, Virginia. At nearby and windy Virginia Beach, my husband succeeded in guiding me to fly my first-ever kite. It was so thrilling that we forgot to take a photo.

A few months later we had to return to the West Coast. My new kite-flying prowess allowed me to enjoy two towns more than I could ever have done. I loved the World Kite Museum and Hall of Fame in Long Beach, Washington. In Seaside, Oregon, we chanced upon the World Kite Festival and were privileged to see outdoor and indoor competitions.  

I still must learn to ride a bike, however. And I don’t mean the one at the gym.

Fun but Risky

A year later, I experienced that first-time thrill again at the World Waterpark inside the fourth-largest shopping center, the West Edmonton Mall in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Corkscrew was its intermediate water slide with two enclosed pipes that twist, turn, and drop into a wide splash pool. I have never learned to swim and water deeper than three feet scares me.

But my husband promised he’d be there waiting for me at the end. That was all I needed. As I cascaded down, I was deathly afraid, especially when it got dark. I felt so alone and thought I would drown in the pool when I came out. But, when I did, there was my husband! He cuddled me in his arms, saying: “See how easy and fun it is?” Yes, he gave me another trophy in life.

There have been many other firsts, and I hope there will be more, even as I get older. One key is to have a cheerleader by your side.  That was my husband.   However, a certain Steven White once said: “If at first, you don’t succeed, then skydiving definitely isn’t for you.” I will, therefore, exclude skydiving from my pursuit of first-time thrills!


  1. snow in Phoenix, driving to the Arctic Circle, flying a kite for the first time, venturing a water slide

    1. I love your first-time thrills! Such fun!

  2. I love that your husand immediately started thinking of a way to turn that disappointment around. He's definitely a keeper!

  3. You always have the best stories. I feel like I could point to a spot on a globe randomly, and you probably have a story about it.

    1. 50 states, 10 Canadian provinces, 7 Mexican states, and 46 other countries! So not quite.

  4. What a magical moment it must have been to see the Northern Lights. Great you and your husband didn't give up! Stephanie

  5. This is soooo awesome! It is great that you get to see and experience all these great adventures! If you don't mind me asking, why were the Northern Lights disappointing?

  6. I love that you talk about this, as I couldn't agree more! I really enjoy going back and living some of the best travel experiences as time goes on; while it's a bit different, it's oftentimes just as exhilerating the second, third, or even fourth time doing it.

  7. Your adventures are very enjoyable and awesome. I can really see that you’ve enjoyed your stay there. Thanks for sharing this story on us.

  8. Nnnniiiccceeeee...I'd love to visit the Arctic circle one day. I am not sure if I am ready for the cold, though.

  9. Love your attitude and you truly inspire me. Love your quote about skydiving. So funny! Though to be honest skydiving is part of my bucket list.

  10. Indeed, Life must be lived with a sense of wonder!

  11. I enjoy reading your posts and living vicariously through you. Your husband is an absolute gem!

  12. I am so glad to read your story. You guys have a great attitude and chemistry. Love seeing that. BTW I am going to an Artic country next month - Greenland. So excited for this journey.


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