
Thursday, May 2, 2019

Feeling Close to Locals, Building Family

the Family Memorial in Mazatlan

My husband Bill had been coming to the city of Mazatlan since he was 45 years old, some 30 years ago. He admits it’s the people that keep him coming back. He felt the same when he met Filipinos. But we are both shying away from the long haul trip to Manila now that we have reached our 70s. So, Mexico has become a practical choice.

Mexicans, in general, and Mazatlecos, in particular, remind me of what gives me pride about the Filipino: hospitality, friendliness, and warmth. We may have started slow but, by the middle of our three-month annual vacation in El Cid Resorts, we got drawn to a few people. There were the guests who, like us, were staying for three months a year: Carole and Allan from Vermont, Winnie and Nick from New York City, Kathleen and Jerry from Idaho. and Bette and Roy from Canada.

students who wanted to interview Bill at the store 

From among the staff, we had identified our favorites: two waiters, our chambermaid, the concierge guys, and the activities leaders. But little did we know that closer friendships were also in the offing and that soon, we would have a new family!

The first two were Chef Luis Villa and Capitan Guillermo "Willy" Garcia of the La Concha Restaurant, the premier restaurant of El Cid Resorts (out of nine). Luis was our lead instructor at the Cooking Class. I was not only fascinated by the dishes but also awed by his gentle personality. He was able to convey so much despite knowing very little English. I interviewed him and wrote this blog post on Mexican Cuisine.

Capitan Guillermo, on the other hand, I met as I was looking for the cinnamon powder that was supposed to be beside the Aveena (oatmeal). In a jiffy, just like magic, it appeared before me. That experience would be repeated a few more times. He made things happen. He managed the waiters, the kitchen, and the ushers with gentle authority. As a result, everyone's dining experience was always memorable.

Chef Luis and Capitan Guillermo and their spouses with us at Casa 46

In appreciation, Bill invited both Luis and Willy, together with their spouses, to dinner at Casa 46, the best Mazatleca restaurant in the famed Plaza Machado. It was a night to remember. In turn, Willy invited us to dine at his home in the next season. 

For Bill’s 75th birthday, they whipped up a celebration like no other. The special menu included shrimp cocktail, tuna Nicoise salad, Chateaubriand, and rustic chocolate cake for us and our three couple-friends. Before we left, we gave them copies of my book, Carolina: Cruising to an American Dream.

the Elite Lounge Staff

Then there's the Elite Lounge. That's where special concierge staff take care of timeshare owners like us who stay for months. Vinirisa, Michelle, Sonia, Ody, and Daniela (whom I fondly called Yeye just like my granddaughter) always welcomed us with delightful service. No question was too hard, no task was too difficult, and nothing was ever impossible. On February 14, we gifted the girls with a huge box of chocolates for sharing. And when we left, we gave them a box each and left the Lounge with a copy of my book.

Finally, there is Israel, the only gentleman in the Elite Lounge. From the outset, he was determined to serve our every need. So we could watch movies every night (which is a must), he lent us his own DVD player. He even took Bill to his friend auto mechanic and our car’s little dings disappeared for a fraction of the cost it would have been in Arizona. Not only did he volunteer to pick up our tickets for front-row seating at the Carnaval but he also took us to the Biblioteca Municipal to get our library cards. Finally, he invited us to the Baby Shower for his first-born Diego who due in May. For us, to be invited to a home or party by a local is the highest form of compliment. We got both in our first stay in El Cid Resorts.

Israel's family at the baby shower

The truth is we missed family and friends in Mazatlan. We wished they were there with us to enjoy the beach, the pools, the spa, the shopping, and the sights. But we know they are busy with their own families. Perhaps in the next few years, they will be able to make it. In the meantime, we have been fortunate to have built friendships that allow us to share our joys. Mazatlan, you have truly amazing people. I don’t feel very far from my other home, the Philippines, at all!

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  1. It was a great 3 months, thanks to the people we met. The locals were again earm and welcoming. Great place😃

  2. when we are asked why we continue to comeback we tell the People and the food...We Love Mazatlan like you we have made many friends and have many family members there!! Including You and Bill......

    1. Wish I knew who you are but I know you are either Carole, Winnie, Kathleen or Bette. We all feel the same!

  3. It's so important to build a community as you travel. I've never been to Mazatlan, but I'd love to go. Seems like you have family all over the world.

  4. Love that you thoroughly got the whole list. Thanks for dropping by!

  5. It is so lovely to read this. It sounds like just the right place for you and Bill! I believe that the energy you put out is what comes sailing right back into your life. So... you must be warm, lovely and generous too!

  6. The warmth of your own personality seems to draw a constellation of equally welcoming people so I’m not surprised you felt right at home in Mazatlan. Casa 46 is a stellar dining out choice - I featured Chef Marino Maganda’s chocolate cake in the Lonely Planet Mexico cookbook. It’s a dessert worthy of a special occasion.

    1. Oh how cool is that? They are friends with Chef Luis Villa who was with me!

  7. Mazatlan is one part of Mexico l have not been. Looks like l am missing out. The people do make a huge difference. Love reading about your adventures :-).

    1. Thank you so much Kemkem. I hope you get to Mazatlan!

  8. People and their hospitality makes you fall in love with the place and makes all the difference whether you are living there or travelling. I would love to explore Mazatlan, sounds like a fascinating place.

    1. Mexicans in general are like that. Mazatlan is also not just a resort city.

  9. Meeting those that live in a vacation destination definitely makes a huge difference in enjoying and understanding the location. We've made close friends in Switzerland, Jamaica and Barbados and continue to feel incredibly close to them, even when away.

    1. Exactly. I have been amazed at people around the world.

  10. What a lovely experience to make such wonderful friends in Mazatlan and to be invited to their homes. I often think that the things we remember most about travel has to do with the people we meet, rather than the places we go.

    1. We go to see the sights. We go back for the friends we had met.

  11. What a wonderful, heartwarming post. You are truly lucky to spend so much time in one place and be able to get to know the people there. Loved that you had that birthday party. Sorry, that the trip back to the Philippines is too arduous now. Still, Mexico is a great choice.

    1. I am lucky I have an alternative place to experience what I miss!

  12. I am sure that after visiting for 30 years, Bill has made some great friendships in Mazatlan. But it looks like you have added new local friends this year too. How great that they set up a celebration for Bill’s birthday. So great to find that the Mexicans make you feel at home.

  13. There is just something so indescribable warming when you meet locals with whom you connect with in a special way. We've had similar experiences with locals over food and it's no surprise to read that one of your first encounters was with a chef. We are really more connected than we are different. Thanks for sharing this wonderful experience.

  14. Filipinos and Mexicans are definitely cousins! We share the same love for food, culture and family. So lucky to call Mexico a home in the past months too. Definitely found the best family here!

  15. Yeah, I have been reading your blog. I have another post on what we share in common with the Mexicans: history, language, food, customs, etc.

  16. So cool that you connected with so many people that are now like family to you. I guess that's what happens when you spend 3 months in one place. Will you have a reunion?

  17. It's so cool that you connected with and became so close with so many people while in Mazatlan. I guess that's what happens when you are in a spot for 3 months. Will you have a reunion?

  18. What a lovely tribute to your new found friends. The people we meet while traveling are the real treasures we find along the way. I really enjoyed reading your article!

    1. Thanks for dropping by. I really wanted to share the joy we found!

  19. Good blog you have got here.. It's hard to
    find high quality writing like yours these days.
    I honestly appreciate people like you! Take care!!

  20. This is wonderful, its so lovely when you can keep returning to a place and not just see it as a holiday but to get to know the people and build those bonds. For us Turkey is like that, we now have lots of Turkish friends over there and family living there too, it really makes it even more special when we visit.

    1. Oh nice for you to have experienced it in Turkey, too! I get Australia us the same for you!

  21. Visiting Mazatlan for 30 years. Wow. I agree the locals become your friends. What a lovely tribute.

    1. That's how he was able to convince me to make Mazatlan our vacation home!

  22. Much as you two have done, we are finding that the interactions with the locals makes a destination special. It's nice to see that you have created a surrogate extended family from all of the friends you have made during your travels.

    1. Mazatlan is special because we return there for 3 months every year.

  23. Travel is memorable and enjoyable because of the people we meet. Your post clearly supports this joy of travel. Lovely happy pics.

  24. It is so important to gel and understand people and form a community wherever you travel and now after reading your post, we felt you guys are masters in it. Indeed, you have build a great family. Thanks for sharing.

  25. People make memories just as much as (and often more than) places. How great to be able to build friendships that endure. I'm glad you've found somewhere to put traveling roots. For us, that place in Ghent in Belgium, where we've been returning for more than two decades. And it's fascinating to know a place well enough to appreciate the little changes. Wishing you many happy return visits.

    1. Oh nice for you, too to have Ghent Belgium as a second or third home!

  26. So true -- where ever we travel, it is the connection with people that we enjoy the most and in those cases where we return, it is the people that "keep us coming back." Love the local connection you highlight here.

  27. Family can be whoever you create bonds with... And that can happen anywhere. I think it's wonderful you met so many warm and interesting people in Mazatlan.

    1. We we're so lucky. But,bif you seek it, you will usually get it.

  28. Isn't this one of the joyful parts of travel - meeting others and interacting with the locals! There are some cultures and countries where the local people just know exactly how to engage with others and it makes for such a wonderful trip. I always think the people are the memories that stay with you for life, more so than the experience of seeing a particular landmark or special sight.

  29. One of my favorite parts of traveling is getting to meet amazing new people, whether its locals or fellow travelers. Moments like these can be even more special than getting to see new sights! Love that you had so many special experiences in Mexico

  30. How wonderful to build new families of friends, especially when locals and visitors join together.

  31. It is so nice when you can build lasting relationships in your travels. Also, I know the service people feel specials and know their efforts are worthwhile when guests treat them as you and Bill have.

  32. The idea of returning to the same beloved place every year and staying long enough to get close to people is very tempting. We rarely revisit places and are generally only around for a week or less, but I think longer, slower travel is in our future. May be time for us to pick a place we want to return to every year.


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