
Thursday, August 29, 2019

Vancouver, Consistently in the World’s Top Three Most Livable Cities

Classical Chinese Garden in Vancouver's  Chinatown

under Granville Bridge
On this five-week road trip, our visits to family and friends were actually built around our week in Vancouver. British Columbia. While we were RVing, we briefly passed the city twice. And, while we were living in the Seattle area, we drove to Vancouver (two hours plus border time by car) simply to eat and buy comfort food. This time, we stayed a whole week. We wanted to discover why the city has been ranked as one of the top three most livable cities in the world, five years in a row.

Our Favorite, Granville Island

As usual, our first stop was Granville Island. It is our favorite Vancouver stomping ground. A haven for food, arts, and entertainment, it is a microcosm of everything the city has to offer. A reclaimed area across False Creek from Downtown Vancouver, it was built under the south end of the Granville Street Bridge. In recent years, it has become the #2 tourist attraction of Canada, second only to Niagara.

For us, the highlight of every Granville visit is food, especially at the Public Market. We chose fine savory crepes for lunch and gelato for snacks and regretted forgetting the pot pie outlet. Five hours were not enough to wander around the thirty-five acres occupied by 275 establishments. We bought soaps, bags, and home décor. We wished we had more car space for more!   
The Famous Stanley Park

Third Beach in Stanley *ark

We had never made it to Stanley Park, the more than 1,000-acre public park that borders downtown Vancouver and is mostly surrounded by the waters of Burrard Inlet and English Bay. This time we made time. There are reasons it’s famous. Its features include the First, Second, and Third Beaches, the Lost Lagoon, the Marina, a Rose Garden, an Aquarium, the Totem Poles, a Lighthouse, a Lion’s Gate Bridge viewing area, a Hollow Tree, and a Seawall you can walk for three hours or bike for less.

Totem Poles in Stanley *ark

We spent the most time at five places. I always love photographing beautiful flowers so the Rose Garden was a favorite. The Totem Poles area has explanations of the First Nations’ involvement in the founding and the maintenance of the hallowed federal grounds. That is also where Bill bought for me a Native American top for just C$55. 

Lion's Gate Bridge

Hollow Tree
At the Lighthouse, we noticed many tourist floatplanes that hovered over the area. Then at Prospect Point, we got great views of the Lion’s Gate Bridge. We missed the parking area for the Hollow Tree so, at the Third Beach, we hiked the trail that led to it, giving us a good feel for the woods around the Park.

At the Stanley Park Information Booth we found out how we could easily drive the Park. The parking fee for a day is good for all the parking areas. The Stanley Park Drive is one-way around the park so one would not get lost at all. There are two other roads that trisect the Park so one could go back to some points without having to go through the whole loop, just like we did when I went back to the Marina/Yacht Club for more photos. There are Trolley and Hop-on/Hop-off Bus Tours. Or one could walk or bike the Park one section at a time.

Around Downtown

Our timeshare was so well-located we could easily walk to two landmarks. The first is Gastown, an upscale shopping district whose claim to fame is not just the familiar light fixtures reminiscent of the one in San Diego. The main draw is the Gas Steam Clock Tower that, every fifteen minutes, emits steam and the sounds of a train. It was a delight to be part of the crowd that waited eagerly for the next one. We did it twice! It was amazing to see the mechanics of a steam clock at work through the glass cabinet.

The second is ChinaTown. We went principally to buy my favorite steamed pork buns, brown sugar rice cakes, and red bean mooncakes at the famous Newtown Bakery. But we also bought two bamboo steamer baskets so I can serve dim sum the authentic way at home. But the highlight of our little trip to one of the best Chinatowns in North America was our visit to the Chinese Cultural Center which featured a Chinese Arts Store and a small but beautiful Classical Chinese Garden (see headline photo).

Around West Vancouver

public urban tree at Spanish Banks

I do love Facebook. One of the perks, as we travel around, is that a Facebook friend, upon seeing that we were in his/her area, would message me to see if we could spend some time. In Vancouver, one such friend asked us to reserve a day to visit the off-the-beaten-path places in West Vancouver where she lived. We rearranged our schedule so we could. She picked us up with her cute Mercedes and drove us first to the Spanish Banks Beach where there were “public urban trees.” These are the great creations of the Brazilian sculptor Hugo Franza who fashions his art from fallen trees.

Dundarave Beach

At West Vancouver, locals frequent the many beaches like Dundarave. But we were disappointed at Lighthouse Park. Point Atkinson was closed so we could only partially view the sixty-foot lighthouse, featured in the movie Needful Things, from a viewpoint where a tree has unfortunately grown to hide it. Then we went to Horseshoe Bay and had seafood at the quaint village built around one of two ferry terminals connecting Vancouver to Vancouver Island.

Horseshoe Bay

Our stops the whole day allowed us to drive through not only the Lion’s Gate Bridge that connects Vancouver to West and North Vancouver. We also crossed the three bridges that connect South Vancouver to the suburbs over False Creek: the European style Burrard Bridge that brought us back to the area of the University of British Columbia, Granville Bridge that brought us to Goldilocks, the Filipino restaurant and bakery chain, and the Cambie Bridge that brought us to the Olympic Village that housed the athletes of the 2010 Winter Olympics. The buildings have been converted into an upscale residential condominium complex.

Olympic Village

Our week in Vancouver definitely showed us why Vancouver has consistently been ranked as one of the top three most livable cities in the world (Mercer). It is very diverse (Filipinos are the fourth largest minority group behind the Chinese, the First Nations’, and the South Asians) and this creates a multicultural environment buzzing with eclectic arts, food from all over the world, and tons of entertainment options. And all these are set amid an evergreen natural setting of water, beaches, and mountains. There are four seasons but winters are mild and summers are simply heavenly.  

Burrard Bridge, designed after a French bridge

An Eventful Road Trip through the Canadian Rockies

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  1. Discover why Vancouver is consistently one of the top three most livable cities in the world.

  2. Great post! I'm glad to see you liked it. I really love living here. :)

    1. I'm especially glad you you made time for Stanley park this time. That is my favorite part of the city.

      If you go back to Granville island, try the candied salmon. It is soooo good!

  3. I've spent a fair bit of time in Vancouver because my daughter lived there for almost 10 years (she moved last summer). It looks like you had a good visit there. You've covered most of my favourite spots in the city. I love the views from Granville Island and the seawall. My daughter lived primarily in the Kitsilano neighbourhood and there are great beaches there. I've never been to Lighthouse Park, but I have visited Horseshoe Bay. It is a cute village.

    1. Oh, good for your daughter (and you). Such a great place to live!

  4. I enjoy what you guys are up too. This kind of clever work
    and exposure! Keep up the terrific works guys I've incorporated you guys to my blogroll.

  5. Vancouver is such a gorgeous city and it has an amazing food scene too - no matter what you're craving, you can usually get it at all hours of the day. I was there for a day during the 2010 Olympics and it was an amazing trip!

  6. I love Vancouver. Such a naturally beautiful city! I love that it has the big buildings and high end city vibes, along with the Rockys too! Best of both worlds.

  7. I have never been but now want to visit. What a wonderful city. I love that you reserved a day for the off the beaten track type places I think I would do the same. Oh and so happy to learn they have a china town - that is always a favorite for me to visit and to eat. The best food ever. great post.

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  9. I too love visiting Vancouver. How wonderful that your FB friend met with you there. Stanley Park really impressed me. Did you see the Aquarium? I remember that so strongly from over 30 years ago.

    1. No, I don't go to aquariums and zoos anymore. Been to so many!

  10. We so love Vancouver and have visited many times, ever since I was a young boy. So glad you made it to Stanley Park this time! And I have always loved Granville Island! Nice post Carol!!! And always love your photos and personal tales.

  11. Thank you Carolina for more travel inspiration. We have never been to Canada. Yet, we had many rave about Canada. Your post on Vancouver has opened my eyes to this city. I had no idea it has consistently rated as one of the workds most liveable cities. Granville Island sounds a delight. I was in when I read your comments about it being a haven for food, arts, and entertainment. This sounds my kind of place. Thanks again for the heads up :)

    1. Hope you are able to visit Vancouver. Truly one if the best cities to visit

  12. I am so glad you got a whole week in Vancouver on this trip. Granville Island for food is one of our favourite stops as well. We have biked around Stanley Park. But it was great to read you can get a parking pass to do the drive around and stop regularly. You did get to see a lot on your visit.

    1. Yes, I was so pleased with this visit. Finally got to know Vancouver!

  13. Such a pity that I never made it to Vancouver on my last trip to Canada because it certainly looks like a nice city to explore. Granville Island would make for a great visit, clearly and the Lion's Gate Bridge looks quite spectacular. Stanlay Park seems like the perfect place to chill and sunbathe.

  14. I really need to visit Vancouver often. I live just 2 hours away but never made it a habit. It sounds like such an awesome and fun place to be in. The spots you mentioned really got me wanting to go now. The Granville Island views are a treat. The Horsehoe Bay looks and sounds like an interesting village to check out!

    1. When I lived in Seattle, I often went but only when I spent a week did I realize how great a destination it is!

  15. I haven't been to Canada yet but I would love to do a road trip there. I heard some good things about Vancouver, I'm not surprised it's a winner as a most liveable city. In Australia, Melbourne usually wins that award! Interesting detail, the Lion's Gate Bridge looks like Sydney's Anzac Bridge!

    1. My daughter lives in Melbourne. It's too bad it fell out of the Top cities this past couple of years.

  16. The Dundarave beach would be the perfect place to have a nice romantic picnic! I wish you had a better view of the lighthouse, that would makes things so much better! xo - Kam

    1. Yes, I understand lots of weddings etc. are held there because it is so pretty!

  17. Your mode of explaining all in this article is truly
    nice, every one can without difficulty be aware of
    it, Thanks a lot.

  18. I would definitely agree that it's a livable city. The green space itself makes a huge difference and can alter lifestyles of the residents. I also love how culturally diverse Vancouver is. Which means there is food from around the world that I could devour anytime!

  19. Vancouver looks so beautiful and not at all like a big city , that it is. The totem pole park looks interesting. I would like to visit it one day.

  20. I need to visit Vancouver, it looks like it has a lovely vibe and lots of things to see and do, with a multicultural influence. I love the Gas Steam Clock. How cute. Granville Island sounds like a fantastic place to spend a day, shopping and eating. Will keep this info for a future trip.

  21. I love reading people’s perspectives from my home country. I am so glad to hear that you loved Vancouver, it has such a special vibe doesn’t it? I think you covered the main attractions of the city, and it is also a foodie’s destination with a really good restaurant scene. The only drawback is that it is an extremely expensive city to live in.

    1. But I am sure pay scales are commensurate! Would love to live there,!

  22. My husband and I visited Vancouver last year and we loved Granville Island, especially the brewery we waited in line for probably 40 minutes just to get a seat at the bar. We went during Canada Day and there is a great celebration on the island. The wait was well worth it, the beer and food were wonderful. Great tips about what to do I am glad you had a wonderful trip.

  23. I love Vancouver and like you, Granville Island is one of my favourite places. I also love Stanley Park. Its so nice to have that green space and beaches right in the city.

  24. Vancouver reminds me a lot of Melbourne where I'm from, we are usually number 1 - the most liveable city in the world but we have recently been knocked off our perch, possibly by Vancouver!

    I would love to visit Vancouver and in particular do the Rocky Mountaineer and the Inside Passage cruise.

    1. Yes, my daughter lives in Melbourne. Too bad it got knocked off the past 2 years.

  25. You had me at water, beaches and mountains. In fact, I can imagine spending several days in Stanley Park just exploring. There is so much to see there. I love the idea of the Gas Steam Clock Tower. There's a small station about half an hour from me that has a fantastical train clock, all full of dropping signals, whoops and whistles. It makes my day when my arrival coincides with the clock in full performance mode.

    1. I was fascinated by it. I lived my childhood near railroad tracks so it's music to my ears!

  26. My friend just moved to Vancouver and she's been telling me about all these places who have mentioned and sending pictures. It looks absolutely fabulous. I would love to visit, someday :)

    1. Wow your friend is lucky to live there. And you are lucky because you can visit her often!

  27. I've heard such great things about Vancouver. Just last week, I sat next to a young couple from Toronto at a food tour who said they were excited about their upcoming move to Vancouver. I'd love spend time at Horseshoe Bay!

  28. What's up to all, how is everything, I think every one
    is getting more from this web site, and your views are nice in favor of new people.

  29. I spent a very short time in Vancouver -- enough to know that I love it and want to go back. A picture city with so many fun and interesting places. Granville Island was certainly a highlight.

  30. There are so many things to see here that I am loathe to pick out my favorite. The beaches, the totem poles and that amazing Lion's Bridge truly sand out. I think I just need to go, but thank you for the wonderful story so I can get an idea of what it would be like!

  31. We recently traveled to Vancouver as well and you named most of our favorite sites and things to do in this post. Lion's Gate Bridge is so pretty at night. Another thing we loved that you didn't mention is Lynn Canyon!

  32. Never been to Vancouver, yet it felt like I am there while reading your blog. Such nicely presented. It was indeed a virtual tour.

  33. Vancouver is so on our must-visit list. Thanks for providing so much valuable information. I'm bookmarking this post to use it later. I also love that giant bird sculpture in the Olympic Village. So fun!

  34. I love a good road trip. I've never been, but now I want to visit Vancouver!

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  36. Great post ! I've actually never been to Vancouver, I never thought it was that interesting to especially go there, but after reading this post I guess I am wrong :)

  37. Wow, I didn't realize just how much Vancouver has to offer. I have friends relocating there next year and I think they'd love this post.

  38. Didn't know about Granville Island being second only to Niagara in terms of popularity! Does sound like a superb place to visit. And how amazingly huge is Stanley park?! Beaches, bridges, parks - more like a mini village than a park!

    1. Exactly. Didn't know these things until I spent a week there!

  39. Oh we had no idea that Vancouver is among the most livable cities in the world! Well, after all it's understandable since it's in Canada... Anyway, we will probably go there next year to explore around. Thanks for your post!

  40. Looks like you had a great time. Vancouver seems to have a lots of places to visit. Would surely visit when I get the chance

  41. I can't wait to visit! Thanks for sharing this awesome information! Happy travels!

  42. We always love visiting Vancouver and nearby Victoria as well. That image of the totem poles at Stanley Park brought back lovely memories from our visit there - it's such a fun site to explore. I wish I had known about the Gas Steam Clock Tower earlier - definitely will stop by at this clock when we are in Vancouver next. Thanks for all the details.

  43. I went to Vancouver when I was quite young and have been wanting to go back! The trees at Spanish Banks Beach are so interesting-looking! I also would love to go to Stanley Park. The totem poles would be magical to see and the water looks very beautiful. Plus, it's great that there is such a good view of the Lion's Gate Bridge!

  44. I love Grenville Island and the beer from there. I have been to Vancouver many times and still dream of the sushi. It’s so fresh and affordable. Glad you had a good trip!

    1. I love Vancouver! I wish one of my daughters had chosen to live there!

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  47. I love Vancouver most especially the Park!!! I do want to go back:)

  48. I've been to Vancouver only once and loved it. It's great to take a more recent tour with you pictures and text. I was there in the Winter, so I had a totally different experience. Good to see it when its warm and I'd love to go back and visit now.

  49. In Vancouver, my favorite thing was Public transportation which is easy to access via SkyTrain, bus, or ferry.

  50. If we ever considered another place a second home it would be Vancouver. With two kids there, it is also a spot we have visited regularly. But always great to see new places we have not yet discovered. We have not spent that much time in West Vancouver so will need to fix that on our next visit. With so many great areas, it is easy to see why Vancouver gets put on the list of most livable cities. Linda (LD Holland)

  51. I plan to spend a few days in Vancouver soon, so I enjoyed reading your article. He is very helpful in planning a trip. For sure, I want to see Totem Poles in Stanley Park and Classical Chinese Garden in Vancouver's Chinatown.


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