
Friday, February 14, 2020

The Myriad Things You Can Do on Stone Island

Mazatlan has three small islands that adorn its lovely bay—Isla de Pajaros (Bird Island), Islade Vanados (Deer Island), and Isla de Lobos (Isle of Wolves). Each one is a little playground for water sports. Last year, we spent a day on Deer Island, just relaxing under a palapa, feasting on young coconut, taking precious photos, and partaking of the buffet arranged by our resort hotel. But there is another island that is much bigger and is actually a complete town. It competes with the city for tourists. It is called Isla de la Piedra or Stone Island. And there is a myriad of things to do there.

the beach as you face El Faro and the Playa Sur from where we took the ferry

Technically, it is not an island but a small peninsula jutting off the southern part of Mazatlan. Stone Island was born as an ejido in 1936, as a communal land for cooperative farming. Tomatoes and other vegetables were supposed to be the main produce. It was connected with the municipality of El Rosario through a small road, Huizache-Caimanero. Over the years, a road was built that connects it to the airport road. It takes about 20 minutes to reach the town via this route but I understand the road is not very good. A boat cooperative has cut the journey to about five minutes aboard pangas for just Mxn P30 from the Playa Sur Embarcadero on the road to the El Faro Lighthouse on the last stop of the Green Bus.

the famous Rock Islands, white with bird poop

Unfortunately, the lack of irrigation systems eventually ended the agricultural project. The townspeople turned to fishing as an alternative industry. Soon they also discovered that the island’s wonderful beaches with calmer and warmer water, owing to its protected location, would be a goldmine for tourists. Enterprising residents constructed ramadas, palapas or shelter. Today, there are about 50 such food establishments, four hotels, and about 8,000 residents.

the Lone Rock with the harbor seals

Our tour operator had an auriga (bigger than the pulmoniya ) pick us up from the hotel at 9 am. We were brought to the Playa Sur Embarcadero where a catamaran was waiting for us. For the previous two days, boats were banned from the waters because of a thunderstorm and strong winds but on our tour day, we were allowed to go. The kids on the boat enjoyed the ride so much because the waves were still quite high.

Our boat took us to the backside of Creston Hillthe one where El Faro, the tallest lighthouse in the world sits— near the famous Rock Islands, white because of bird poop, and the Lone Rock which houses a pod of seals. Then we were all dropped off at Stone Island. From the dock, all forty of us were ferried to the Playa Sur ramada via the three-carriage contraption pulled by a tractor.

horseback riding on the beach  where the large coconut grove can be found

And then the myriad things to do began, starting with ATVing, which was the main reason we wanted to go. We had such a ball doing this with our friends Carole and Allan…until our ATV stopped dead on its tracks almost at the end of where we were allowed to go. Our friends drove back to get someone to rescue us. In the meantime, I wrote our names on the golden beach, gazed at the wide stretches of sand at one direction running alongside the endless coconut grove, one of the largest in the world, and at the other, looking at the Rock Island Group and Old Mazatlan. There are miles and miles of the glorious beach.

a bright banana boar invites people

After the rescue, we went back to our shelter for the lunch of chicken, fish, salad, and frijoles, serenaded by loud mariachis and bandas. There were many things to do after lunch besides swimming and snorkelinghorseback riding, water sports like jet skis, banana boats, and kayaks, napping at hammocks, snacking on fresh oysters, shopping for local crafts like bags, jewelry, clothes, or colorful ceramic art, hiking the inner island or the coconut grove, playing volleyball or soccer, having a massage, playing with large but harmless iguanas and other normal vacation activities.

you can hold large harmless iguanas

But by 2:30 pm a horn tooted signifying that we would soon go back to the dock and by 4 pm we were indeed back at the Resort. It was a relaxing day because we didn’t try to do more of the myriad things to do. We merely enjoyed the whiff of fresher air in a small tropical paradise very close to the busy city of Mazatlan.

RVs camped on Stone Island

When a Home Away from Home is Even Better than Home

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  1. Read about the myriad things you can do on Stone Island in Mazatlan, Mexico!

  2. The name "Stone Island" does not sound particularly inviting, but from your description it actually sounds idyllic! How fortunate that the island found a new lease of life after the failure of the agricultural project. Like you, I would opt to go out on an ATV. Great Fun! So pleased you were not stranded for too long When it broke down.

  3. The road into Isla de la Piedra is totally fine, in fact they are even widening it more. We took a caravan of 8 RV's there in December and had absolutely no problems with the road.

    BTW, El Faro is not the tallest lighthouse in the world and but it is close to being the highest in elevation although still not the highest.

    Glad that you enjoyed your day there!

  4. Wow what a full and fun day in such a beautiful place - well worth a visit!

  5. What a fun adventure! You two always seem to be having the most fun. The four wheeler looks like a ton of fun!

  6. Stone Island definitely looks like a spot to visit if we were in Mazatlan. I am sure the boat ride over was fun. But horseback riding or an ATV on the beach would be a draw for me. But I would not be perching an iguana on my shoulder. No matter how harmless they may be!

  7. Stone Island sounds like a pleasant excursion from Mazatlan. I've never heard of it before but now want to check it out next time I'm in town.

  8. Mazatlan is one part of Mexico I´ve yet to explore, but it looks like it has so much to offer! I´m an island girl and would love to spend some quality R&R time on these relaxing beaches, not to mention sipping coconuts from one of the largest coconut groves in the world! It´s interesting that what started off as an agricultural project has become such a big tourism destination... it´s like they say, when one door closes, another is sure to open!

  9. Stone Island looks like a great place to get away from it all!

  10. There are so many activities on this island (well, it's technically not an island :)). I get seasick pretty easily so I would have to stay away from the water activities, but the colorful ceramic art sounds like it would be delightful!

    1. I looked for my husband to show him. When I got back, only a few pieces remained.

  11. Wow there were so many activities you could take part in! I’ve always wanted to horse ride on the beach, seems like a beautiful place to do so

    1. The beach is especially a great place for many activities!

  12. I have never heard of Mazatlan, Mexico. It looks like a lovely place for an outdoors experience!

  13. I love how happy you and your hubby look riding on that beach car! You both have such giant grins, you can tell you are having a blast!

    Stone Island looks incredible. It's great that there are plenty of activities, but just relaxing by that beautiful water would be nice.

  14. It sounds like it would be hard to decide what to do! It looks like you had a great time. I love the idea of walking down the beach eating fresh coconut!

  15. That picture of the iguana ALONE makes me want to go there!

  16. This sound similar in the Philippines that a few small islands only take a few minutes or hours ride away from the main city. I love how their are too many things to do in the area. The banana boat looks so fun, RTV and horseback riding along the beach. I salute you for holding that iguana tita.

  17. ATVing sounds like a lot of fun. I've done that with my family in Guatemala.

  18. I love beach vacations where there's more to do than just lay on the beach! Can't believe you got stuck on your ATV though!

  19. Stone Island looks like so much fun. I had a similar experience as you with the ATV getting stuck, but mine was a motor boat and we had to be towed back, we got stuck in seaweed. It's one of my favorite memories, lol. I love the iguanas.

  20. I just spent a good five minutes checking out the map of Mazatlan to see where all of these interesting places are! It's funny that it's not an island at all, and very cool that it is easily accessible by boat for a great price.

  21. That is a beautiful beach and there is nobody there. Is there any good snorkeling?

    1. No, snorkeling and scuba are no good in Mazatlan. But there are lots of people. Just not in the shot!

  22. Wow looks like a beautiful island! I have always dreamed of going horseback riding on the beach.

  23. We’d love to visit a few of these small islands and peninsulas someday, enjoy the beautiful beaches and play with the iguanas! Oh and we’re sooo jealous that you get to each fresh oysters! Haha.. We’ll be traveling to Mexico in a few months (but eastern coast). Let’s hope we’ll have a similar great adventure there!

  24. What a great way to spend a day doing something a little more active in Mazatlan. I'm personally a beach person, so the snorkeling and jet ski sound more interesting to me. Those seals sure look comfy on their rock. What a great idea to turn basically a deserted spot into a tourist paradise.

  25. There's not much snorkeling in Stone Island though.

  26. Stone Island sounds like a great day trip from Mazatlan. My kids would have loved that catamaran ride! The banana boat looks like fun too.

  27. Little islands like this are so inviting. The iguana looks a bit scary though, I'm not sure I would hold it.


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