
Friday, October 9, 2020


SCOOP! You're one of the first to know. Amazon just approved my book for preorder at $1.99. It will be released on Nov. 28 at $2.99. ONE CLICK TO THE AMAZON PAGE 

There are a lot of things I am particularly crazy about—cooking, dancing, singing, grandkids, plants, word games, poker, and mahjongbut it was two other things, travel and writing, that led me to publish my first book, Carolina: Cruising to an American Dream, a travel diary about our cruising in an RV across North America for five years. Very soon, its sequel will be with you.

How This Second Book Almost Did Not Happen, Got Started, and Was Completed

In 2004 when I migrated and retired in America, all of 101 pounds after burning out from a jet-setting business life in Manila, I wanted time to “cook a little, teach a little, travel a little, write a little, and love a little.” And I did. In fact, my husband wholeheartedly supported my first book but this time around, he complained that I had forgotten about that operative term, “a little.” 

Besides, I had reduced my cooking to only once a day, dropped teaching completely, and we have reduced our travel months to about six in a year.  Furthermore, I reasoned that it may be stressful to publish a book but I have “crazes” that relax me. Besides, if there is one thing I hate, it is boredom. I warned him that he would not like a bored Carol. And the stress of writing another book is not like the one that led me to retire early. It’s the one that leads to fulfillment. I think that’s called positive stress.

When we approached the seventies, we moved beyond fulltime RVing and settled in a Phoenix home. I also rebranded the blog that I casually started in 2010 to “Cruising Past 70,” shifting to writing also about inner journeys rather than just the outer ones. Last year, just as I did for my first book, I compiled some of the posts I had written from the time I finished the first book in 2015.  

This time, however, I became more selective. I included only those that elicited at least 1,000 views (some had more than 30,000). They were the best-loved and most widely-read posts because they were an excellent invitation to visit a place, answered a reader’s question(s), or inspired a new pathway(s). I thought that many of them would be good to share with those of you who have been retired, just retired, or are thinking of retiring. Despite my husband’s objection, I proceeded with the writing of the second book.

Unfortunately, a macular hole developed in my right eye in September of last year. After the vitrectomy, the recovery happened very slowly. Months later, my vision stabilized somewhat. But my eyes were no longer the same. I couldn’t finish the book I had intended to publish before the end of 2019. I needed a lot more time.

This year coronavirus upended all our lives. In fact, we had to cut short our Mexican vacation in March when coronavirus was declared a pandemic. After the self-quarantining for fourteen days and observing the state-mandated lockdown, we canceled all our scheduled trips from April to June. If there was one good thing the Covid-19 lockdown did for me, it was to give me all the time I needed to complete the first draft. I was also able to ask six friends to read it and give me the feedback I needed to refine the draft and complete the book in the following three months. 

What You Can Expect from this New Book

The book contains not only the most widely-read and best-loved blog posts. I have also added six of my original twenty-three articles published by the travel magazine I write for bimonthly, After updating and polishing each one, I have arranged them into the following three themes of inner journeys: lessons learned, changes made, and insights gained.

Part 1 consists of the general life lessons we learned from RVing, the preferred mode of travel nowadays. There are chapters on how to travel light, utilize technology, or discover campgrounds. I have included pieces that will give readers unique ideas for itineraries like visiting great inspiring institutions, completing a historical picture across the vast land, chillaxing in the home that the RV has become and searching for the beauty of the country. There are also tips about healthcare and other RVing concerns.

Part 2 describes how travel transformed me. My calling card bearing President/CEO now reads Wanderer, Writer, Wife. I hinted about this in my first book but I have added transformations such as becoming a Filipino-American, a better mother, a happy grandmother, and including the inescapable direction towards becoming a "global citizen" by adopting a third home and loving the countries where my children live.

Part 3 zeroes in on insights about travelers’ concerns that I have encountered on the road. There are chapters on the attitude, flexibility, curiosity, and courage we travelers should have. Some focus on how to deal with travel mishaps or falling ill. There is a reflection on the better travel buddy, the choice between brand new or old favorite destinations, and the folly of breaking rules. Others talk about the season and time to travel, meeting beautiful people, finding good food, and keeping fit. I have even included new ways of traveling during the time of Covid-19.

How relevant for these times this book has become! Now that we are not able to travel as much as we want, blending our outer journeys with the inner journeys that come as a result of them should better feed our wanderlust. This is how, even if we are forced to travel less, especially as we advance in years, our lives become enriched. That's when we see the benefits of travel that are deep and long-lasting. They are the lessons learned, changes made, and insights gained. 

SCOOP! You're one of the first to know. Amazon just approved my book for preorder at $1.99. It will be released on Nov. 28 at $2.99. ONE CLICK TO THE AMAZON PAGE 



The Short and Less Expensive Way to Visit World-Famous Marietas Islands




  1. Finally!!! Congratulations Carol!

  2. Looking forward to reading your second book! Yours and Bill's love of travel and your willingness and desire to share your experiences through your books are impressive and much appreciated by folks like myself who really cannot do much travelling. Best of luck with this new book! Continue living your life with the same enthusiasm and love of life and the rest of us will be perfectly content living vicariously through your experiences! Best wishes and congratulations, Carol!

  3. Congratulations on completing this upcoming volume. It sounds like you and Bill are tearing it up when it comes to exploring. We can hardly wait to read more about your travels.

  4. Congratulations! First of all you look amazing! It's so true what you say about inner journeys. I envy you! Also want to experience a life that leads to fulfilment. Well done!

  5. Congrats on the second book! It's amazing how much travel can teach us about ourselves and life.

  6. Sorry about your vision challenges. Great that you could meet them and get this book written. Congratulations!

  7. It sounds like you've been on quite a journey to get to the completion of this book. Way to go for pushing through to finishing! The topics you cover sound really interesting, what a fascinating life you've led.

  8. Congratulations! It looks like you've had many adventures. Book 2 sounds like a great read.

  9. I so admire you for accomplishing all your 'little' plans. I'm very much looking forward to your sequel - especially since I'm ofting thinking about what travel will be like once I'm - a bit - older.

  10. We hate boredom too! It's exhausting thought to go full time. That's why we focus on slow travels.

  11. Wow - so exciting! One book is already a great accomplishment, but must feel amazing to have completed a second one now too :) I hope to get the chance to read it!

    1. Hope you do. And I hope to complete the series with a third after a few years.

  12. I loved reading a bit of the background and your inspiration/selection process for writing the book. It is neat to hear about the behind the scenes you don't normally see. Congratulations!

    1. Oh yeah... that's like how this announcement is. Thanks for your interest!

  13. Congratulations Carolina, this is a big step and I am glad you took it. Hope that your second book achieves the much needed success and recognition, which you deserve as an author.

  14. Congratulations on your 2nd book. As we get older, it is the inner journies that are more important than the outer journies and I know that the book will be an inspiration to other travellers.

  15. How exciting to have a new book being published. I am sure your regular readers will love to have your key pieces all in one place. Good inspiration for traveller of all ages.

  16. How exciting to be publishing a new book! Congratulations on this achievement.

  17. Congratulations on publishing your second book! I look forward to hearing more about it.

  18. Congratulations Carolina, for your second book!! And as I have gone through the summary of the book that you mentioned, it seems quite fascinating. I would definitely love to read your book!!

  19. Wow, just found your blog for the first time. Truly inspirational! I also dream of one day traveling across North America in a camper van. Congrats on the new book :)

  20. Great inspiration to write a book! Well-done on your second book. Wish you all the best for more books on your travel.:-)

  21. This is so exciting! Congratulations on the new book!!

  22. The concept of inner and outward journeys is interesting.

    I hope travelling become enriching for me past 70. Congratulations!

  23. It's great that you are publishing the book. Congratulations! As a fan of RV travel, I would love to read your story!

  24. Aw this is exciting news! Congratulations on the book! I've always wanted to RV so am definitely interested in learning more about that.

  25. I'm so curious about how your journey continues - the inner and the outer one. Actually, I believe that both do have an impact on each other - an inspiring one!

  26. What a lovely story! It is so inspiring how you managed to overcome so many challenges to move ahead with the second book. The book content sounds interesting too. Best wishes for the launch! :-)

  27. Your new book sounds like it will be great!

  28. How great that you were able to use the challenges of Covid to accomplish an excellent goal! Wishing you continued wonderful travels - Anne

  29. This books sounds fascinating! The best of luck to you with it. BTW, why don't you consider doing a seminar for your fellow bloggers on how to promote/publicize our blog posts?


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