
Friday, November 27, 2020

Celebrating Cruising Past Seventy in These Trying Times

Today is the day after Thanksgiving in the unusual year of 2020. Coronavirus cases are increasing exponentially in the dreaded second wave. Hospitals are again getting filled to capacities. And travel seems farther off into the future. Still, I am thankful for a couple of things. On Nov. 25, I turned 72. And my second travel book, Cruising Past Seventy. It’s Not Only about Outer Journeys. It’s Also about Inner Ones, was released by Amazon as a paperback on Nov. 24 and as an ebook on Nov. 28.* 

I know that the title is too long. Actually, it should have been Cruising Past Covid. This is because, one, I finished it while on lockdown. Two, I have an important chapter
entitled “Travel during the Time of Coronavirus,” espousing six safe travel rules based on CDC guidelines. But these weren't enough to change the title to the shorter version.

Lessons Learned, Changes Made, and Insights Gained

It is because, although I may not have intended it at the start, the book came out as very relevant for these trying times. We may not have the opportunity to make “outer” journeys but I know that we have a treasure trove of “inner” journeys inside us. The last paragraph of the book says it best: “Even if we are traveling less, we can look back at past trips, and look forward to future ones. And, from each trip we make, let us build our books of lessons learned, changes made, and insights gained.

These are the three themes I discovered as I compiled all my best-loved and most widely-read posts from this blog after the first 250 that was the foundation for my first travel book, Carolina: Cruising to an American Dream. In this new travel book, Part 1 describes the lessons we learned from eight years of RVing across North America. Part 2 details the changes I went through from those days and also from our travels to forty-eight countries outside the continent. And Part 3 summarizes the insights I gained from all our trips about common travelers’ concerns. These inner journeys are the best gifts and the deep and long-lasting benefits of travel.

As an interesting note, the second part of the book’s last paragraph goes on to say: “The secret has been and will always be simple. Do not deny your traveler’s soul. Let it roam free. And eat lots of chicken wings and, if possible, also chicken feet.” Those two glorious chicken parts are the foundation of my traveler’s soul: chicken wings with which to fly the skies and chicken feet with which to roam the land. I intend to go back to eating more of them when travel will be more open for us.

chicken wings and chicken feet

Aging Gracefully and Shifting Gears

Seventy-two years is the approximate average life span of a Filipina, a female from the Philippines (which is what I am). But after I migrated to the US in 2004 and became an American in 2011, you can see that I am still alive and quite healthy at that. The average life span of an American woman is about eighty-four. Perhaps I have added twelve years to my life, just like that. And having more years means a longer period to age gracefully.

I may have to give up my tank tops and short shorts, as my husband has been urging me to do. But, as a traveler, it means shifting gears to a lower level, or downshifting. This is the overarching theme of the book. There is an acceptance of time getting shorter, energy becoming less, and even money no longer coming in. How do we travel more gracefully?

Mother Teresa's Chapel in Skopje, MacedoniaAdd caption

My bucket list has become shorter now. My husband and I have begun to scrutinize a destination against a higher bar of “Is it a case of been there; done that?” We have become more selective because we want to travel more comfortably and conveniently, even if not stylishly. I have given up the dream of visiting every country. We have even agreed that some adventures may have already passed us. But there are some more explorations to be made and certainly more pilgrimages to be done.

So I thank the universe for all the blessings, celebrate not only aging but also traveling gracefully, and offer my new travel book to all travelers like us.

*Available on Amazon: ebook at $2.99; paperback, $8.99



A Handy Booklet on the Basics You Need to Know about RVing





  1. Happy birthday to all of us who are celebrating our birthday and Happy Thanksgiving to all!

  2. Never give up the tank top or the short shorts! Stay free to be who you are!

    1. Life is too short. Wear whatever you want. On another note, I agree looking back at past travels is a great way to get a travel fix when you can't actually get out. But I also find that a favorite part of all my trips is the planning. By the time I get to travel again I should have several months worth of road trips researched.

  3. A very insightful post. I truly admire your courage and energy and how you are focused on your goals that the actually achieve. You are a true inspiration - and you give me hope and courage since I'm always a bit afraid that at 70, I won't be able to go on all those grand tours anymore, but....there's Carol, so....

    1. Oh your spirit will carry you through if you keep being healthy!

  4. You are an inspiration to all! So many people slow down as they get older but you just keep on cruising. I love it!

    1. We are slowing 6 months a year,bthrn 4, then 2...

  5. Carol, you have certainly proven that one can age gracefully. The two of you have so many adventures left to enjoy, we just need to bide our time through this pandemic. We are confident you will pass not only the average lifespan of your native land, but even that of American women. Live long and prosper.

  6. Yes during these covid times, should really stick to areas that are easy and accessible for our age group, glad your still travelin around.

  7. "Lessons Learned, Changes Made, and Insights Gained" -- absolutely! That's what it's all about. I agree with one of the earlier comments -- don't give up the shorts and tank tops unless YOU really want to!

  8. Cruising Past Covid. What a year it's been! Please tell your husband that I think you can still rock your tank top and short shorts. You look amazing, and I love reading your takes on travel and life. Stay safe!

  9. Happy Birthday! Such a beautiful anniversary. And congratulations on the success of writing the second book! So impressive!

  10. This looks like an interesting book. You are a well traveled person, I like your point of view, we need to accept the realities, that we might not cover every country, so lets choose few but quality adventures. I will definitely read this book.

    1. Thanks so much that you are getting a copy! Please write a customer review when after you finish reading it. I would like to know if it met your expectations.

  11. I agree that it is important to let your travellers soul roam free. We have been able to do that safely this year with some local travel. We too are travelling more comfortably with each passing year. This year of Covid will cause us to value our time more when we travel. And not put off some things we may say “next time” to.

    1. Yes, our travel preferences and styles change. But the benefits of inner journeys remain the same

  12. Happy birthday and congratulations on your second book! Hope you will get to eat more of the chicken wings and chicken feet!

  13. So true.. travel is not just ticking off places from the list, it is about connecting within and with others. Congratulations on your book!

  14. You are so inspirational. We're just turning 60 and 63 and hope to do as much by 70 as you have done.

  15. You are an inspiration. I love that you have found your happiness by exploring the world, first by RV and then, perhaps in more luxurious terms.

  16. You are an inspiration. I love that you have found your happiness by exploring the world, first by RV and then, perhaps in more luxurious terms.

  17. Looks like an inspiring and interesting book to read through. Happy Birthday, and congratulations on your second book!

  18. Very inspiring and interesting to read! Happy Birthday and congratulations on your second book.

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. That's awesome about your books. That is quite an accomplishment. Great read.

  21. I could not agree more. As far as I am concerned, "been there; done that" is what tourists may do. Experiencing places and people is what travelers do.

  22. You can be an inspiration for many travelers. Congratulations! It's great that now you want to travel more comfortably.

    1. Hi Agnes, yes as we grow older we can no longer rough it.

  23. I totally support the notion that we should not aim to see every country! Travel is so much more than ticking things off a list or a numbers game!

    1. As someone said in the previous comments, those are tourists, not travelers.

  24. Congratulations on your second book. You have done so much with your adventures it's really inspiring

  25. I love your adventurous spirit and tenacity! I hope to continue to travel well into my 70's and 80's as well. Also, congrats on your books :)

  26. Although you've both given up the dream of visiting every country hang on to those memories.I sure hope I'll be able to travel when I get to your age. What an achievement and congratulations on your new book!

  27. You have such great adventures. Congratulations on your successes! It is so inspiring!

  28. Congratulations on the release of your book! So true that one of the best gifts we gain from travels is a deeper insight. Wish you many, many more memorable adventures.

  29. Carolina, I always feel good reading your posts. Age is just a number!
    P.S: I have never had chicken feet. I like your travel analogies to chicken wings and chicken feet though.

  30. What a cute photo at the top! From one traveling soul to another: traveling keeps you young. You certainly don't look 70. Best of luck with the book!

  31. A great achievement getting your book published - well done!


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