
Friday, January 1, 2021

Anticipating the Best after Quite an Unusual Year

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Welcoming the New Year in the Philippines was always accompanied by such a level of fireworks display that particles, toxins, chemicals, and smoke linger in the air and litter the streets for hours and days afterward. But this year will probably not be the same. It is not an ordinary passing of the old and welcoming of the new.

First of all, 2020 was so unusual. It featured both a once-a-lifetime pandemic and the most consequential and most controversial US election in history. But there are also great reasons to celebrate, albeit with less noise and debris. There is a realization that we have all been touched by something larger than ourselves. And the new normal consists of being more aware of the ABCs of life, the authentic, the basic, and the core. 

Health and Medicine

We were supposed to be on a plane for our annual all-inclusive vacation at a Mexican resort. When we booked this, we were not being reckless. At 76 and 72, we just realized that we had so little time left. But we just found out that we have been prioritized in the Covid-19 vaccine distribution plan, after the frontline healthcare workers and those in long-term care facilities in Phase 1a. Bill is included in Phase 1b, 75 year-olds and frontline essential workers, and I am in Phase 1c, 64-75 year-olds and those with high-risk health conditions. Both should be completed in the first quarter of the new year. This, together with the advances in therapeutics that were also achieved in 2020, should be great reasons to celebrate.

my favorite mask from UPAAA
 We want to receive the vaccines at the earliest available time. So we canceled our Mexican vacation and moved the trip to November-December 2021, dovetailing with our 2022 winter break, finally giving Bill his dream of staying there longer!

We are also celebrating the awesome fact that we made it to this point. We have remained Covid-free and our immune systems have stayed okay. We exercise daily, and the food we eat has always been carefully chosen. We have even added zinc, extra vitamin C, and increased fluid intake to our daily regimen. And we have  faithfully followed the science (please see Today's New Normal for Continuing to Travel Safely) to decrease the probability of an infection.

Being with Family and Friends

I also celebrate having in my safe bubble my husband of twelve and a half years. We are great partners in domestic chores and other tasks. Zoom has been our platform of choice for being with others in our circle of family and friends. As a matter of fact, we upgraded to Zoom Pro and expect it still to be handy in 2021. That is because it will take some time before society will get to herd immunity (some say when 85% have been vaccinated) so we will continue following the science through most of the new year. 

We  celebrate the fact that, beginning September or October, we may be able to resume being with family and friends we were not able to see this year. Hopefully, the US/Canada border will reopen so I can see my daughter and her family in Calgary. We also pray that flights and airports will become safer so we can visit Bill’s daughter in Anchorage. We have scheduled our going to my daughter in Melbourne to 2022. The April wedding of my first Apo in Los Angeles has been moved to October 2021. And, later that month, we hope to be in Las Vegas for the biennial Grand Reunion and Convention of the UP Alumni Association in America.

My Induction at the 2019 Grand Reunion and Convention 2019


The elections were quite traumatic for the majority of Americans. And, by the looks of it, healing will not come any time soon. My best hopes are that the economy recovers more consistently, that most everybody will regain the jobs they lost and revive their businesses that were temporarily disrupted, and that we will soon see the last of the stimulus checks.

I also pray that the Republicans will win the two Senate seats in the Georgia run-off elections so that the system of checks and balances will remain securely in place. This will ensure that we do not have drastic policy changes while we are still under the delicate processes of economic recovery from the pandemic.

signing the books for a shipment to Manila

In other words, I welcome the new year with wide-open arms, embracing the new awareness of our health, impending reunions with loved ones, and the resurgence of our economy. I also selectively turn my back on the year just passed. After all, it was the year I was given the time to write and publish my second travel book, Cruising Past Seventy, when medicine advanced, and when most everyone came to realize what is truly most important in one's life.





  1. Replies
    1. Congratulations on your second book! It is awesome when something positive comes out of this pandemic. I took the time to focus on my well-being but at the expense of my blog/business. Hopefully 2021 will be positive for everyone!

  2. Happy New Year, Carol. I enjoyed your post very much. It gives me hope that there may yet be happiness in my future. Having lost my husband just before the pandemic kicked in has made this psst year very lonely for me. But you’ve given me hope that there just may be a “Bill” out there for me to spend the final chapter of my life with. I will be hopeful!

    1. Oh Doreen, I found Bill on the Net when I was 60! Watch for my next post!

  3. Happy New Year, Carol. I enjoyed your post very much. It gives me hope that there may yet be happiness in my future. Having lost my husband just before the pandemic kicked in has made this psst year very lonely for me. But you’ve given me hope that there just may be a “Bill” out there for me to spend the final chapter of my life with. I will be hopeful!

  4. Great, I am happy to know that both of you will get your vaccines soon. Best wishes and happy new year!

  5. Happy New Years, hopefully 2021 will be a year of travels and opening up in the country with new possibilities.

  6. Happy New Year, Carol and Bill. We are glad to hear that the two of you will be able to get your vaccines so soon. Perhaps this will allow more confidence as you try to get back on to a regular schedule of travel. We look forward to reading more of your articles about the ins and outs of resort stays in Mexico.

  7. It’s been a crazy year! Wishing you a better one for 2021.

  8. It is so important to focus on the positives. It sounds like you have a lot to look forward to! Wishing you a wonderful, healthy 2021!

  9. Congratulations on your second book! It is awesome when something positive comes out of this pandemic. I took the time to focus on my well-being but at the expense of my blog/business. Hopefully 2021 will be positive for everyone!

  10. it is crazy to see what a unique year its been! Probably totally different from any reflections we have done in the past. Congrats on your new book and all you have to look forward to in 2021!

    1. It is indeed looking up, regardless the resurgence in cases.

  11. After so many plans being thwarted at the start of 2020 I've felt hesitant about making more plans for fear of the disappointment that it brings... rather we are trying to simply live more in the here and now and enjoy more fully the present!
    All the very best for 2021 and the success of your latest book :)

    1. I am a planner and it did not change during the pandemic!

  12. After so many plans being thwarted at the start of 2020 I've felt hesitant about making more plans for fear of the disappointment that it brings... rather we are trying to simply live more in the here and now and enjoy more fully the present!
    All the very best for 2021 and the success of your latest book :)

  13. Happy New Year, Carol. In health and happiness. I am glad that you are in the first group for vaccination and that you have a chance to return to normal and travel safely.

  14. Happy New Year! I’m looking forward to things getting back to more “normal” way of life. We canceled a vacation between Christmas & New Years week out of an abundance of caution.

  15. Happy New Year! We had a lot of plans messed up in 2020 as well. Congrats on the new book and hopefully 2021 will be a million times better!

  16. I don't know about this vaccine - it has been pushed through pretty quickly on the one hand. On the other hand it's even not said that you cannot infect others respectively that you'll be allowed to travel freely like before. It - probably - protects only yourself; and getting sick is my smallest fear. So sadly, at least for us in Europe it's still not over. I envy US Americans who can travel freely and do whatever they please. In Europe, it's getting more and more restricted - totally wrong direction :-(

  17. Honestly, I will not be getting the vaccine.

  18. My husband and I are feeling very lucky for our health, and hopeful about the future. We have been very cautious and will continue to do so, but can see the light at the end of the tunnel. All the best for a brighter 2021 with travel and family connections possible again.

  19. This year has been an interesting year for sure. Glad you’re still able to connect with family via Zoom. Congrats on your second book.

  20. Happy New Year! Certainly hoping for the best this 2021! :)

  21. During these unprecedented times, it's so true that this unusual normal has made us more aware about the basics of life and given us the chance for more introspection. Certainly looking forward to a more positive year ahead now that the vaccine distribution is underway. Congratulations on the publication of your second book!

  22. It's definitely been a very strange year for everyone - even if you weren't planning on travelling. I am very optimistic that with the vaccines coming out in different countries that people will slowly be able to get back to normal. I really enjoyed reading your post and views on the way the world is right now!

  23. You are such a positive person, and your love towards life always motivate me to walk further, and not give up on life. I am glad that Bill and you are taking proper care of yourself. I am sure you will get to enjoy many more vacations together.

  24. What a year! You certainly made the best of it! Zoom has helped alot of us stay in touch all year. Stay safe

  25. It truly had been quiet a year for all of us around the world! With the vaccine schedules in place, it does give hope that things could return to a better situation, if not normal. I am glad you guys postponed your Mexico trip to later time of the year, so you can be sure of having the vaccine and all set to enjoy your break. Happy New Year to all of you!!

    1. And my husband is being scheduled for next week! Happy New Year!

  26. Happy new year to you guys. Glad to hear some good news from you! Here in Italy I don't really unbderstand what is going to happen this year but still I'm trying to be positive! I'm supposed to get married in July and I hope it all ends by that time! Grrrr...

  27. Great post and review of the year, adding a little positivity to all the hard times this year. As a frontline healthcare worker myself, I am certainly looking forward to the vaccine being distributed and hoping it will have a positive impact. I certainly hope it will mean travel opening back up! Congratulations on your new book and best wishes for a better year!

  28. Carol,I am so glad to hear about your plans for vaccination. My mother is a healthcare worker and got the first round already, and soon my father who is also above 65 will get his. I think you made a sound decision to postpone your trip, as having the vaccine will allow you to travel safely and with peace of mind. I am truly happy for you and your partner.

  29. Glad to her you are in the first round to be vaccinated and hopefully you'll be able to travel again soon. You might be glad you didn't get to the all-inclusive in Mexico. We were just in Mexico and while Merida and the Yucatan are strict on COVID-19 restrictions - not so much in the tourist locations. Stay Safe and Maligayang bagong Taon!

  30. This was some great insight into you and your husband's life. I'm glad you two are doing well and you will be vaccinated soon. Take care and stay safe!

  31. It's been a strange year indeed. I'm looking forward to reading your posts and reading your book.

    1. Thank you very much for getting a copy. Hope you can write me an Amazon customer review when you finish reading it!

  32. Hope everything works out and you get to go to the wedding in April.

  33. Congratulations on your book! It’s been a weird year indeed

  34. I am glad that you managed to remain Covid free and its a great idea to push your travel plan to later this year so that you can get the vaccines first. Here's wishing you all the best for your travel plans in 2021, and kudos on your newly published book.

  35. Happy New Year! Hope this one is a healthy one for all of us!


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