
Friday, February 25, 2022

TRAVEL AWAITS: 7 Accessible Places to Find the Rare and Unusual Crested Saguaro


The complete article was published in Travel Awaits on May 18, 2021.

Arizona’s truly iconic symbol, the saguaro. can have whimsical forms. I was so intrigued when I first saw one that I pursued a private quest to see them. In this article, I share with you my list of places where you can easily see crested saguaros so you don't have to go deep into the desert to see them. 

What They are

"Once in a while, a saguaro can produce a fan-like form, and then it is called a crested or cristate saguaro. 'Crests' generally measure between three and five feet in diameter with convoluted patterns and folds. Biologists disagree as to why saguaros do this. Some speculate that it is a genetic flaw or a hormone imbalance. Others say it is the result of triggers like a lightning strike or freeze damage. The crests occur when the cells in a regular saguaro stem divide outward rather than continuing in their normal circular pattern.

"Crested saguaros do not last long because of their shallower and more delicate root systems. In fact, a crested saguaro can be killed by excessive foot traffic at and around its base. So when you inspect one up close, please stay at least 10 feet away. Being more top-heavy, they are also vulnerable to strong winds." These are the reasons why crested saguaros are rare. Most of the surviving crested saguaros are tucked away in the interior of preserves and parks. The Crested Saguaro Society has documented over 2,200.

Where To See Crested Saguaro Around Phoenix

1. Desert Botanical Garden. It is almost at the end of the trail of one of the garden’s five sections. 

2. Carefree Desert Gardens, at the center of the small suburban town of Carefree, Arizona. It is tucked in the southeastern corner of the garden plaza, near the children’s playground. 

3. Cave Creek Regional Park in Cave Creek, the twin town of Carefree. "From Carefree Desert Gardens, drive southeast on Cave Creek Road for about 14 miles, turn right in North Bartlett Dam Road, turn left after six miles on North Horseshoe Dam Road, and drive for a little over 3 miles. The road is paved except after Mile 3. Stop, look to your left, and you will see a very mature but beautiful single shield crested saguaro about 50 yards up the small hill." (headline photo)

4. Arizonian RV Resort

At the entrance of the Arizonian RV Resort, just a few miles from the entrance of the Boyce Thompson Arboretum, the largest botanical park in Arizona in the town of Gold Canyon. 

Where To See Crested Saguaro Around Tucson

5. Sabino Canyon Recreation Area

"Before reaching the visitor center and just after the separate building of rest areas, turn right on the walk that leads to the Bajada Loop Nature Trail. At the end of the short walk, turn left to go to the trail. About a quarter of a mile along the trail, you will find a magnificent new-growth crested saguaro." 

6. Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum

About 30 minutes from downtown Tucson is the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum. This crested saguaro is right off the parking lot before you even enter through the outdoor museum gates.  

7. Saguaro National Park

"There are over two million saguaros in both districts of the park. It is estimated that there is one crested saguaro for every 10,000 regular ones. Thus, this park has the largest treasure trove of crested saguaros. At least 27 have been documented on the east district and 30 on the west side. Most of them are accessible through hikes on trails but a couple can be viewed from the loop road around the park. If you love to hike, this is the best place to see them."

Other species of cacti and even some varieties of succulents are also more than capable of developing the same mutations. At Carefree Desert Gardens, for example, we found a low organ pipe cactus that is crested just beside the crested saguaro. 




  1. While you can, see a crested saguaro. Here are 7 easy places where you can!

  2. Wow, I've never even heard of a crested Saguaro. Very interesting post.

  3. Such an interesting looking saguaro. I wonder if I’ve seen this crested saguaro when visiting Saguaro NP eleven years ago.

    1. There are some there but you would have remembered if you did. It is so unusual!

  4. I had never even heard of crested saguaro, really loved this post, and now have these fascinating variations of the saguaro on my list to see in the future.

  5. I love cacti and have Arizona on my bucket list for various reasons. Now I can add the crested saguaro of things to look for when I go.

  6. This is the first time I read about the Crested Saguaro! And I can very well understand your fascination with them. I would do a detour for sure to include them into any itinerary in the area.

  7. OMG, those are amazing! I was JUST in Phoenix, but I'm going to use this as a guide the next time I visit to go crested saguaro hunting!

  8. These cactuses are so interesting. Thanks for sharing so many fun facts about them!

  9. I must admit we were intrigued with the Saguaro when we visited Arizona. I love the spots you found to admire the might Saguaro that do not require a major hike. And you had so many fun examples to share.

  10. Wow, what a very unusual looking cactus. I can't be sure if I saw these during my travels through Arizona, but I'll be sure to keep a lookout next time. I love desert flora and fauna, it's so different from anything we have in the PNW.

  11. Wow, I have never heard of these. I have been camping in the desert in Arizona but I never knew to look out for these. Next time I am in the US, I will definitely be visiting the Saguaro National Park, it looks beautiful.

  12. Oh wow! I've seen Saguaro before, but I'm totally unfamiliar with Crested Saguaro. They're so interesting looking. And congrats on writing for Travel Awaits!

  13. This is such a fascinating article. I have never been to Arizona and I didn't know what a saguaro cactus was before now. They look so beautiful, I'd love to see them in real life. They have such interesting shapes, and they seem so large!

  14. I did not know there was such a cool! I would love to see these crested saguaros, and this list is especially helpful because I'm not really a big hiker either. ;-) I'll be sure to keep my distance from the base though - not only because of the shallow roots and risk of damage, but because those guys are sharp and I am clumsy. LOL

  15. I would love to visit here! Especially to escape a Canadian winter. Such interesting cacti that I think would be fun to photograph.

  16. This is one interesting learning today. Did not know so much about this kind of cacti before. Saguaro and the shapes it makes are interesting enough. Pity they are rare and not so lasting. I sure would love to spot one

  17. Wow never thought that there were such species of cacti and succulents before. We personally love plants and have them all over our home. The shapes on this one are truly interesting and nothing like we've ever seen before. Hope they continue to protect and preserve these specie of cacti!

  18. Wow never thought that there were such species of cacti and succulents before. We personally love plants and have them all over our home. The shapes on this one are truly interesting and nothing like we've ever seen before. Hope they continue to protect and preserve these specie of cacti!

  19. Wow never thought that there were such species of cacti and succulents before. We personally love plants and have them all over our home. The shapes on this one are truly interesting and nothing like we've ever seen before. Hope they continue to protect and preserve these specie of cacti!

  20. Wow! This is fascinating. I have never seen a saguaro. Would love to visit and see one upclose. Thank you for sharing this list on where to find them. We're leaning towards going to the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum

  21. I love Saguaro cacti. They are amazing and so huge. I spent a few days in Saguaro National Park, but the truth is that in many places in Arizona, you can spot them. Crested Saguaro is unique and beautiful with its shape. I had no idea that there were so many places to see them. Next time, I hope to visit Carefree Desert Gardens, Cave Creek Regional Park, And Frontier Town.

  22. I had never heard of a crested saguaro before -- and I live in a partial desert! These are actually quite beautiful and unique, aren't they? I'll be sure to remember next time I pass through Arizona and look for them!


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