
Friday, May 20, 2022

TRAVEL AWAITS: The Highways In America (And Around The World) That Will Sing To You

The complete article appeared in Travel Awaits on July 4, 2021. This post highlights the three places in America that have a musical road. 

'Musical roads are created from strips or grooves on roads that make sounds when a car crosses them. Rumble strips are used to alert drivers that they’re getting too close to the edge of their lanes. The other kind, transverse strips, cross the entire road and are used to signal drivers to slow down. It wasn’t long before enterprising individuals realized that it doesn’t have to be noise that would alert drivers. In fact, varying the length and distance of the strips or grooves from each other can often create melodies when cars roll over them. Such music will not only alert but also entertain drivers as well as their passengers."

1. Lancaster, California: sings the “William Tell Overture” when we drove over it at a steady 50 miles per hour.

"Originally built on Avenue K on September 5, 2008, it was paved over just 18 days later after nearby residents complained about the level of noise. The city recreated it on October 15 on Avenue G, in the far left lane of the westbound side of the road, 2 miles farther away from any residence. It is named after Honda Civic, the brand that sponsored and featured it in its commercials at the time. The rhythm is recognizable, but the intervals are a little too far off so the resemblance is slight. Still, the experience is exhilarating. It thrilled us no end, so we drove over it several times!"

2. Tijeras, New Mexico: plays “America the Beautiful” if you drive at a steady 45 miles per hour. 

"Labeled NM (or Route) 333, it is a bit hard to find but we finally did, between miles 4 and 5, eastbound on a two-lane diversionary stretch of the historic U.S. Route 66 just off I-40 near the town of Tijeras, New Mexico. This one...was so clear, and the song is so classically inspiring that we also drove through it again and again and again!"

However, it is not being maintained. "It is quite sad that politics may have interfered. The road still sings, so catch it while it hasn’t totally faded!"

3. Auburn, Alabama: plays just the first seven notes of the Auburn Tigers fight song, “War Eagle.”

This was built by an alumnus of Auburn University’s College of Engineering in Alabama. "The section of South Donahue Drive has been renamed the “War Eagle Road.” With support from Auburn University and the National Center for Asphalt Technology, it welcomes both fans and rivals of the team when they are approaching the campus. Unlike the one in New Mexico, this musical road is a permanent fixture."

There are 43 more roads outside of the US:  "one in Denmark, another in Hungary, three in South Korea, three in China, one in Iran, one in San Marino, one in Taiwan, one in Indonesia, and 30 in Japan. A previous musical road in the Netherlands has been removed." This was the original musical road dubbed the “Asphaltophone.” But it's Japan which has had great success with them. One is near Mt. Fuji. It's time to visit Japan again!





  1. Wooow this is absolutely amazing!!! And have never heard or seen it before. For
    Someone to have created and made these parts
    Of road that sing so Genius. Think
    They should definitely do more.

    1. Japan definitely knows how to use them!

    2. Japan definitely knows how to use them!

  2. Musical roads can prevent people from dozing while driving. Brilliant idea.

  3. This is amazing! I never heard of this before. Alabama is a reasonable road trip from Florida, where I am. I will have to check this out.

  4. I've never heard of this. Sounds quite impressive - sounds on various levels ;-) Really inspiring post - too bad I'm not driving ;-)

  5. I had never come across this idea of musical roads, using rumble strips to make a musical experience for drivers. What fun! I pulled up videos of the ones you mention and they sound amazing!

  6. Wow, I have never heard of this before. This seems really interesting that a highway would sing songs when you drive at a certain speed. I am sure this will be helpful for people to prevent accidents by dozing off. I hope I can experience it someday in America.

  7. I love the idea of taking a musical road to alert drivers. I had no idea about creating this type of road. I add it to my list! I would like to drive to Tijeras, New Mexico to check it.

  8. What an amazing way to make drivers lower their speed and drive carefully. I would love to experience some of these highways, and hear music when I drive over them. That is such an ingenious idea!

  9. Wow! This sounds fascinating. I had no idea there is such a thing but I think it's a brilliant idea.

  10. I have never heard of this and find it fascinating. What a creative way to alert drivers! I'll be heading back to LA this year and while I'm out there, I might take a little road trip to Lancaster to hear the William Tell Overture! That's so cool.

  11. The songs are designed to delight drivers while simultaneously reminding them to drive safely. Whoever came up with the concept for this musical highway is a genius! How I hope this could be done on other routes throughout the world.

  12. The songs are designed to delight drivers while simultaneously reminding them to drive safely. Whoever came up with the concept for this musical highway is a genius! How I hope this could be done on other routes throughout the world.

  13. I have never heard of musical roads again. I also would like to visit Japan to hear them.

  14. I had no idea this was a thing but sounds like a great idea! Great that you have managed to experience some.

  15. Wow! I've heard of these musical highway steps but never experienced one. That is so cool!! That would have been very entertaining for my kids when we took road trips!

  16. This was fascinating. I never heard of rumble strips that actually played a tune. We will have to make notes of these spots and listen well if we are in those areas.


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