
Monday, January 30, 2023

TRAVEL AWAITS: 8 Tips For An Epic RV Road Trip On The Alaska Highway

This story was originally published in Travel Awaits on May 10, 2022 

One of the very first items my husband wanted to cross off his bucket list after we bought our first RV (a used 26-foot Class B Telstar by Firan) was to drive the Alaska Highway. So when we finished showing off our new "home" to our children in Seattle, Boise, Denver, and Calgary, we were excited to drive to the one in Anchorage. Banff and Jasper National Parks, two of four UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the Canadian Rockies, were right on the way, so we briefly explored them. And, after Jasper, we braced for the rugged trip, what my husband promised would be my first epic road trip in an RV.

Make Her Part of the Family

By this time, I had begun calling our new “moving mansion," Star. She took us through the winding roads of northern British Columbia which gave me my first close encounters with North American wildlife I had never seen before except in zoos. A herd of bison lay peacefully by the roadside but one of them decided to walk towards Star. I huddled inside and that’s where I stayed because soon a mother and her baby bear showed up among the grass and wildflowers. It was good the big moose hiding in the shrubs was at a distance. Following a small arrow sign, we stumbled upon a multitude of birds and insects by a river.  I finally found the nerve to step outside Star!

When we reached Dawson Creek, British Columbia, we could not contain our excitement. The small town of about 13,000 is Mile 0 of the Alaska Highway! Her bragging rights were all over. I asked my husband to take my picture at the signs declaring the official start of the Alaska Highway and I wanted to mark the huge milestone with Star.

Pro-Tip: Make sure your RV is fully prepped for the trip: tires, generator, batteries, oil, roof, grey and black water tanks, etc. And make sure the kitchen is fully stocked for a week.

Familiarize Yourselves with the Road 

The next town was five hours away at Mile 300. Even smaller,
Fort Nelson, British Columbia, the administrative center of the Northern Rockies Regional Municipality, had a population of about 3,500. It hosts the Fort Nelson Heritage Museum which explained how the Alaska Highway actually began there, how the US and Canada cooperated in the building and how they divide the maintenance today. The 1,422 mile-long highway has connected Alaska to the lower 48, militarily strategic in WWII and economically so now. 

Pro-Tip: There will be no mileposts for the first 1000 kilometers. You will cross the British Columbia/Yukon border several times before reaching the first big town of the pristine and primitive province of the Yukon.

Learn about Services and a Few Tricks

On the way, we stumbled upon “a highway service community,” those small villages that support the travelers on the highway.
Toad River consisted only of a gas station, a restaurant, and a country store. It was a place to enjoy local fare and to fill up Star. A section of the store was dedicated to thousands of hats, and my sentimental husband didn’t hesitate to leave what he had on.   

About a hundred miles north, we saw another arrow we could follow! It led us to the Whirlpool Canyon with a river that made a powerful swirl as it wound its way around a bend. A Canadian couple who were making their way to fish in Nunavut past the Arctic Circle, taught us about not being shy to dump gray water (from washing dishes and showering) almost anywhere, and drinking creek water, if necessary, as long as we were sure there was no beaver contamination. 

Pro-Tip: Before reaching The Yukon, you will encounter The Summit, the highest point on the Alaska Highway, at 4,250 feet. The area is called the Serengetti of North America. Feast on views of Stone Mountain, and Muncho Lake. Stop for photos at the Liard River Hot Springs Provincial Parks.

Give Yourselves Rest and Fun

Watson Lake, Yukon
was an even smaller town of about 800 at Mile 635 and we loved the good night’s rest at the Downtown RV Park. The next day we thoroughly enjoyed being the 67,000th visitor to place a sign (there are over 80,000 now) at the unique Signpost Forest. We bought a wooden board at a Home Builders’ Centre in town and got free paint from the Visitor’s Information Centre. That’s also where we registered as Yukon Gold Passport holders which will give us 5, 10, or 20 troy ounces of gold if we collected 10, 20, or 30 stamps of tourist spots.

Along the highway between Watson Lake and Whitehorse were rocky embankments (between Upper Liard and Rancheria) that are being used to arrange rocks into letters memorializing passersby. We originally thought we could spell out our names, but we found out how difficult the endeavor was and ended up with just the two letters of our first names: BC. On the way back to the mainland US, the letters were still there!

Pro-Tip: Don’t make the mistake of going to the Northern Lights Center in Watson Lake. Even with displays about the Aurora Borealis, it was really a brief video of the lights recreated on the dome ceiling for effect, not worth the time or money.

Give Her a Good Mid-Point Check

At Mile 918 we reached
Whitehorse, the biggest city in the Yukon with a population of about 25,000.  Many places, including the biggest fish ladder in the world, were already closed for the season. But our main purpose here was to give Star a thorough mid-point check-up for the shorter but harder second half of Alaska Highway.

We were fascinated at finding the largest weather vane in the world (in the Guinness Book of Records)! It was a DC3 plane! Smith House at LePage Park gave us two souvenir Whitehorse pins. And we got to chance to climb aboard one of the only remaining steamboats that transported precious metals on the Yukon River at the SS Klondike National Historic Site.

Pro-Tip: This is the only place on the Highway where you can dine at a branch of Tim Horton’s, Canada’s favorite coffee chain. Get a bowl of chili!

Go Slow for Two Reasons

From Whitehorse, smoke from 50 fires around the Yukon (since it had been so hot and dry that summer) obscured all the beautiful scenery.  We could hardly see anything beyond Star’s nose! In fact,
Burwash Landing, population of just over 70, including most of its wildlife displays and artifacts, was almost wiped out by a huge forest fire caused by humans camping (although lightning is the more common cause).

Another unfortunate thing is the road damage caused by permafrost effects, especially after Destruction Bay. There were many road fissures and small ponds on the fields along its sides. The highway had a roller coaster feel to it, and evergreens in nearby fields could not grow any taller than a few feet.  Orange flags were everywhere, designating permafrost-damaged areas. The cost of maintaining these roads must be high. And they exacted a toll on Star. 

Pro-Tip: Stop to view 
White River, so named because of its off-white color due to volcanic ash from two pyroclastic eruptions of Mount Churchill in the Wrangell Mountain Range, in 1890 and 1950. Alas, the ecology could not be restored; the river can no longer be used for boating.

Don’t Succumb to “Get-there-itis”

We finally reached the Yukon’s Haines Junction at Mile 1016, but it was not what we expected. We were supposed to be able to get a glimpse of the Juneau glaciers and the highest mountain peak in Canada.  We couldn’t because of all the smoke. We decided to stop for the day at the Kluane RV Park.

The village, with a population of a little over 600, is east of the Kluane National Park and Reserve. We looked for a good hiking trail. We thought we did but we had to quickly go back to Star after finding the mosquitoes were so big and hungry.  But it was good we found a quaint Quonset hut that also served as a church for as many as 30 people. We hoped for a clearer tomorrow.

The next day was clearer and we resumed our trek. We passed Mile 1202 at Beaver Creek, Yukon (population, almost a hundred). Soon we reached Delta Junction, Alaska, (population, almost a thousand), the official end of the Alaska Highway. The sign at the Visitor Center said it all. From Mile 0 in Dawson Creek to Mile 1422 in Delta Junction, we completed the Alaska Highway in seven days.  It was the rugged one-of-a-kind trip my husband promised, the  unforgettable epic first RV experience of this former “desk jockey.”    

Interesting Fact: Constructed at a total cost of $115 M in about nine months, at its peak the project utilized 7 Army regiments and 77 Contractors with 15,000 employees and 11,000 pieces of road-building equipment. Two teams, one from Dawson Creek and another from Delta Junction completed the highway when they met at Soldiers' Summit at the Kluane Lake in the Yukon in November 1942.    



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  1. This has been on my bucket list since 1975 when I first experienced backbacking in Banf & Jasper. I sat through a seminar that made going the caravan route the best option, I would rather go it alone. Did there seem to be enough services in case of a breakdown?

    1. Oh yes. As I mentioned there was Toad River and then there's Whitehorse.

    2. We did it alone. Yes.. Watson Lake
      Toad River. Whitehorse

  2. I haven't been to Alaska and done an RV trip so this would really be a fun experience to do for the first time and explore the great outdoors in this area.

  3. We are definitely going to have to plan a trip along the Alaska Highway. An RV sounds like the perfect way to explore this area. But we would have a lot to learn about travelling in an RV before we headed to some of the more deserted spots in Alaska. Need to move this up on the list and make sure we plan to travel slow.

  4. Alaska is one part of the US I would love to visit. Obviously, I won't go in an RV, nevertheless, the discription of your trip is so inspiring - and for you, definitely unforgettable, I assume.

  5. Driving the Alaska Highway must really have been an adventure. Alaska and Hawaii are actually the two places in the US I would really love to visit. I would probably go by car and take the camping gear to keep costs low.

  6. I love your article, as I made an Alaska Highway road trip in RV. It was an amazing adventure. Your tips for RV Road Trip are very handy and professional. I hope to back one day on this scenic route.

  7. This sounds like a great for a trip and the opportunity to learn and experience many new things. The same post forest sounds like a fun place to buy a sign and leave a mark.

  8. The Alaska Highway looks like a fantastic road trip. I would love to go to Alaska with my family one day. THanks for sharing your trip!


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