
Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Traveling with Girlfriends vs. Traveling with Your Partner

Southeast Asia is the part of the world my husband wants to visit most, but he could not join me on a tour of Malaysia, Laos, Thailand, and Brunei. Fortunately, my girlfriends were ready to go. During this trip, I realized that traveling with your girlfriends (or sisters or daughters) is different from traveling with your partner.

Difference #1: Fast vs. Slow Travel

Fast travel squeezes many stops into one trip, planning to return to the place you could not get enough of later. Slow travel means taking the time to experience the local culture. Bill thinks it’s just insane to do the former. But not me and my girlfriends. We can get our photos taken at a famous landmark. Then, next!

We started with an overnight layover at the Kuala Lumpur Airport Hotel for a much-missed authentic Hainanese chicken dinner. The following day, we arrived in Vientiane, the Laotian capital. A day and a half got us to the top six attractions. We even had time for a Laotian Catholic mass. Then, off to Brunei!

We also had an overnight layover at the Dom Mueang International Airport. Even if there was a Wat just around the corner, we hired a car to see downtown Bangkok. We got awesome night views of the Grand Palace, the iconic Wats, and the home of the father of the King. The next day we were ready for our day and a half in Brunei where we visited eight top attractions.

Difference #2:  Fast vs. Slow Shopping

Women take their time before buying (huge understatement). We scour a shopping area to survey what things are available for women. When we find something we just must have, we bargain for the best value. Men don’t have the patience to do this; they would rather read a newspaper with a favorite cup at a cafe. They go to the specific store where they always like to get an item. Full stop.

At the Malaysian airport, we shopped for souvenir items. In Laos, we squeezed in a trip to a Night Market near our Ibis Vientiane Hotel. We even made it to Chatuchak, the biggest Night Market in downtown Bangkok, to buy $1 scarves. Never mind how much the car ride to get there cost us! In Brunei we got stuck in the mall asrain poured. We were able to get lovely scarves (again) for a “steal.”

Girlfriends invariably find something; then the rest of us would say, “Me, too!” Or there is a real answer when I ask, “Does this look good on me?” Shopping with them is quite synergistic. The only drawback is, Bill’s not there to pay for the item(s). The solution: have an extension of his credit card!

But there are similarities, too.

Similarity #1: Culture, History,, and Landmarks

Both love culture, history, and landmarks. Bill would also have gone to the same attractions with a big difference: it would have taken a couple more days. He would also add a visit to war memorials or play in bodies…of water. He would also not spend any time taking photos except to humor his wife.

Similarity #2: Local Food

We loved the most popular Malaysian Hainanese Chicken Rice chain in the KL International Airport food court. In Laos, we spent big bucks to savor a Laotian meal at a 5-star hotel. In Bangkok, we had a sumptuous seafood dinner at the popular Kuang Seafood Center. Finally, in Brunei, we splurged on a full-course meal at the 6-star Empire Resort. Bill would have loved and paid for them!

You are lucky if you can have both!


  1. I always love reading about the differences and similarities in cultures. We're all more alike than we are different!

  2. My friends and I are slow shoppers like this. I'm a big fan of taking things slow.

  3. My girlfriend loves to take things slow no matter what we do. I enjoy that about her because I tend to zip through everything.

  4. I enjoy visiting different places to learn more about the culture. Sounds like you had a great time.

  5. You should also visit Boracay in the Philippines. You will surely have a fun and adventurous trip with your girlfriends.

  6. Traveling with girlfriends versus traveling with your significant other - it's a topic that sparks curiosity! Your blog post beautifully explores the unique experiences and dynamics of each scenario. It's refreshing to read about the adventures, laughter, and bonding that come with traveling with friends, as well as the intimacy and connection that traveling with a partner brings. Your personal insights and anecdotes make the comparison come to life, highlighting the joys and challenges of both types of travel. Thanks for sharing your perspective and experiences!

  7. I love what you said about slow vs. fast...I can't agree more with you...These days, when everything is fast, I am learning to appreciate going slower more and more.

  8. while i am someone who loves to travel slow like Bill, I also know I love to take tons of photos like you and your girlfriends (which my DH does not really care for, but then he enjoys looking at them later!).. i am now inspired to make a list of these things for myself

    1. Yes, do! And you wil know when to go with your partner and when with gfs!

  9. I so agree with you on many of the points you make in this post. It is quite different when I travel with my 3 sisters (or my girlfriends) than my husband. Stephanie

  10. Honestly, I prefer traveling with my girlfriends; it is more relaxing for me. I also love shopping in different countries with my besties.

  11. Girls trips versus couples trips are so different! I like to do a whole lot of nothing on vacation. It is a little more about having an agenda when I go as a couple.

  12. You can really understand here the difference of the girl trips and the couple trips. And I can say that both of that trip are really enjoyable and memorable.


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