
Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Choosing between a Brand New Destination or an Old Familiar Favorite

Travel has been all about learning something new, doing something different, and seeing an entirely new vista.  As I ticked off my bucket list these past 15 years, the addiction took root. Now that we have been to so many destinations, is it becoming better to return to an old-time favorite?

Going Back to an Old-Time Favorite

At 75, I can now see what my husband has been wanting to do for some time. “I love Mazatlán and I could live there.  It brings back beautiful memories.” The Shrimp Capital of the World was where he took his late wife and family for vacation during the time he was steeped into a busy corporate life. 

When Bill first brought me there, he also invited my family to be with us. We got together for our first-ever reunion in 2009, after having all left our home in the Philippines five years prior. They all consider that the best reunion they have ever had. For five years, Mazatlán was our winter home until we decided to try Cancun.

A trip down memory lane to a familiar destination spells comfort and convenience. You don’t have to deal with unfamiliar things. Instead, you are there to relive their goodness. You lean back, confident that everything will be all right, and that nothing will go wrong. In addition, there are lasting friendships to be had when you go back to a place, something we prize more and more as we advance in the years. In the end, it’s the memories that count. So, when you’ve made such great memories, why not go back?

Choosing a Brand-New Destination

Sometimes I ask myself, however, if I am limiting myself, ending up not being able to see more of this beautiful world, given the little time we may have left. Honestly, the feeling of “been there, done that” visits our doorsteps more frequently now. How many aquariums, zoos, art museums, shopping malls, etc. do we have to see, anyway, to say “enough is enough?” Besides, even if it is kind of special, it may be too far, too difficult to get to, or too expensive to pull off.

Sticking to a Practical Bucket List

Now that we have taken a more pragmatic approach to travel, are there other destinations still worth considering? I can think of an African safari, an Antarctic cruise, and an Amazonian excursion, to name a few. But, come to think of it, those may have already passed us. Bill has just turned 80 and I am already 75. Going to these places will be difficult, expensive, and require the pink of health.

Our top priority now is for connectedness. We value family reunions more and plan them around places central to all of us and that we had not seen during our eight years of RVing. We just came from a five-day getaway to Temecula, San Diego to celebrate Bill’s 80th and Trisha’s (my eldest daughter) 50th birthdays.

Finally, one activity stands out that we still seek to do: pilgrimages. We are not deeply religious but, as we advance in years, the search for spirituality heightens. It will be about learning something new, becoming uplifted, and looking both inward and outward beyond our mortal selves.

Fatima, Lourdes, Jerusalem, one of them is doable in the next few years. But we have just left Mexico and already we are thinking about when we will be back. In other words, I now choose both a brand-new destination and an old-time favorite. It’s not mutually exclusive. It’s not “OR”. It’s “AND.”

Traveling with Girlfriends or Traveling with Your Partner

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  1. Where woyld you rather go next: a brand new destination or an old familiar favorite?

  2. great post, and excellent pictures

  3. You are one prolific writer. I remember your eloquence in speaking when we were at Toastmasters Club way back home. Excellent blog.

    1. I am so glad you liked it. All the reason to continue writing!

  4. I love your perspective, which has no doubt come with a lifetime of experiences. There is a quiet comfort in revisiting old places, which makes the trip much more relaxing. I guess we'll all get to a point when slowing down is just as much fun and going a million miles an hour.

  5. Fantastic read and I sometimes like to revisit some of the places I have been to. I may not even be 40 yet but going back to some places, is nice to go down memory lane and play the game 'spot the difference through time'. And I also like to do this at a relaxing pace.

  6. I get your perspective about wanting to revisit known places for the comfort they may bring, and the idea of not always needing new experiences. In my case, I am just afraid that going back to a place after some time might change a lovely memory of an earlier perfect trip!

    1. That's a great perspective!!! Yes, the feeling may not be the same...the thrill of the first time no more!

  7. I don't think you are limiting yourself by going back to the same place. If you enjoy it, why not? My husband and I try and mix new and old when we travel. We love New Zealand and keep discovering new places there. And when we go to France, we also go to places to haven't visited before!

    1. I suppose that's tight. We never really discover every thing in one visit

  8. Most of the time I find myself choosing old, favorite destinations instead of discovering new ones. That's a habit I want to get rid of however, because it derives from my fear of the unknown.

    1. That's a valid perspective. But just think how many more places you can yuck off from the unknown list?

  9. That’s an age-old question, Carol. I’ve always liked going to different places to discover new destinations, but the drawback to that is that it often takes me 15-20 years to return to an old favorite!

    1. From your posts, I notice that you gave indeed gone back to places!

  10. We often visit places a first time as a taste test. With the intention of returning later for a more in-depth visit. It is great to go back and feel familiar. But there is nothing that matches the excitement of a new destination. Despite the unknown.

    1. Yes, the thrill of the first time will never be the same.

  11. We are learning that it takes a little of both. A few years back when we started this travelling thing, we dreamed of being location independent and living off the land. Now, we just purchased a home in Huntsville Alabama that should serve as our traveling base for years to come. It wasn't because Alabama was a gateway, but it's because it felt like home. The Appalachian Mountains and streams. Even the plants all look familiar. We want to get away but have a home (or two) to go back to.

    1. We did exactly the same thing. Now we make Phoenix and Mazatlan our homes and travel base, after 8 years if RVing.

  12. Both approaches are good in my book. There is adventure and excitement in visiting anyplace new. But then there is adventure and discovery to be had returning to a place and realizing how much more there is to see.

  13. Although this is a very luxurious problem, I know the feeling: On the one hand I would so much love to see some of the places I've visited and where I left a piece of my heart, on the other hand I want to explore as many places as I can = Dilemma - but a fancy one.

  14. I love the way you think about travel! We always enjoy traveling to new places and meeting new people, but there's something special about retracing your steps and returning to an old haunt. It's almost like going home again! It's not OR is a great way to think about traveling the world. Thanks for sharing!

  15. I think our priorities and desires change over time. I keep returning to Paris, despite having visited hundreds of times - it is my soul-city!

    1. As I got older, I entertained returning to old familiar favorites.

  16. good question - to see new place or revisit the old one. I have few which i want to see it again, especially that I visited them before digital cameras were available. Great post

  17. I am a dozen years younger than you and am very conscious of how little time I have to do the active stuff. Yet like you, I have favorites that I want to go back to.So little time, so many places to see.

    1. Decisions. Decisions. I am resigned that I will not see all that I wanted to see!

  18. Lovely post. I like a mix of old and new, always have. The only downside of returning to a favorite place is that sometimes it has changed for the worse! That's always a bummer. But usually it's all good, as it's nice to start of with a base of knowledge of where things are and how things work.

    1. That would be a bummer but usually you will know so you don't have to go!

  19. I am for both new and old. While new destination keeps me excited about learning and exploring new things , old destinations make me nostalgic and I try to visit and do activities which I had done before. :)

  20. Great question and one l would have a hard time answering, but looking at my past travels, it seems the answer would be revisiting old favourites. London l think l clock at least 20 something times, Paris 4, etc..etc.. I have no desire to count countries etc. and will opt for being more chill at a favourite place. :-)

  21. Love the post and Mazatlan. We too fall into the been there done that trap from time to time. There's so much to experience, but sometimes it's just plain comfortable to revisit a favorite destination.

  22. Interesting. My aunt and uncle traveled extensively during my childhood and as I yearned to follow in their footsteps, my aunt use to tell me that after a while they all look the same. She's right in many respects, but I guess it is up to 'us' to discover the uniqueness of these places and hope never to become jaded in regards to having the freedom to travel.In hindsight I wish I had been more adventurous in my younger days, because, like you and Bill, I'm aware of my age/health limitations. I'm pretty content now to revisit the familiar and dig a little deeper to learn more about them.

  23. We do revisit several places each year - Bali and Greece in particular but also try and include a few new destinations each time as well. Next year after Greece we will also visit Israel and like you we would happily go back to Mexico!

    1. Yes, we still go to new ones. Thus year, we have been to 5.

  24. Too many places too little time and resources. We hope to visit some near by locations in 2020. TIme to explore a little more of our own backyard.

  25. It's definitely not "or," I totally agree! I have places I love go back to every year, but I also always enjoy seeing new places. I'm young though and don't have the same considerations you do. But my parents are older and they never care where we go, they just like the act of going and traveling somewhere other than home!

  26. I agree. I love going back to a place I really enjoy. For me that is hands-down London and NYC. But I also enjoy the thrill of visiting a brand-new place. This year, for me, it will be Japan.

    1. We live going back to Mexico every year but we also saw five new cities this year!

  27. You are such an inspirational traveler. I hope to be as active (and travel as far and wide) as you do when I'm your age!

  28. I know exactly what you mean. I love the rush of a new place, but, for me, destination like England bring me back over and over again.

  29. I pretty much always want a new location. With so many amazing things to see on this planet, I really itch to see new places, rather than ones that I've already been to. Unless I feel like I've missed something there, then I could go back.

    1. That's what I used to say...until it got more inconvenient and less comfortable to do so.

  30. Very interesting! I do like to revisit places from time to time, I always see a new side of the place when I do this!

  31. A very thoughtful post, Carol and I share your sentiments in many ways. I'm finding myself drawn to the familiar or the compelling destinations as I get older. I'm less interested in ticking off famous sites unless there is a personal reason for me to do so. Strangely I'm also finding I have less stamina for hardship of travel. Mazatlan for 3 months sounds perfect to me!

    1. Precisely why we decided on the 3 mi this if Mazatlan a year

  32. A constant question - visiting again, or visiting new? I always to explore more, and the list of places I would like to see is endless. But there is something comfortable and relaxing in going back to place we know. I found we usually go back to the same places when it comes to sport activities, like kiteboarding or skiing, but travel to new places when it comes to learning about new culture or admire new places. But age is a definite factor. Getting closer to our 50s, we are trying to visit and do things we will less likely to be able to appreciate in future years. Part of the reasons we decided to go on a world trip now - exploring Mongolia or trekking in Papua is probably not something we will do when we will want more comfort!

    1. Well, we have reached the age, 79s, when we want more vomfort!

  33. I'm glad to read this you reminded me that age is an important consideration too in choosing a destination. Love reading your post as I always learn something new. Thanks for sharing Tita Mazatlan sounds like a great place to visit. I'll try to check on it. Mexico is always a great place for a tropical weather.

    1. Yes, age has a hearing. I wouldn't go bungee jumping, for exampke.

  34. Some interesting thoughts here Carolina.

    I have wanted to return to almost every where we have visited. When we first go somewhere new, we always discover sooo many more sights/hikes/experiences that we'd like to do another time. So I am always keen to go back.But at the same time, I love exploring new cultures and seeing new scenery.

    So, I guess in the end I like a mixture of both. :D

    1. I am still the same but perhaps when I am in my 80s, I would just go back to old-time favorites.

  35. That is always a difficult question, so what we try to do is both. Sometimes we go to a place we've been, but add a nearby place that we haven't visited yet. I hope you're able to do your religious pilgrimage!

    1. That's it! We go to a familiar place and explore the surroundings more deeply!

  36. It is always something to ponder about. I know I face the same questions. I’m not sure what is the right answer. I have gone back to the old places so many times. And, I think that it’s better to explore new destinations.

  37. I am all for choosing new destinations but there is something about old places as there is always something new to experinece and yet the atmosphere is so familiar.

    1. They are increasingly becoming my favorite...old-time favorites.

  38. I have the same problem. My family and I love Scotland and we seem to go back every couple of years but I also love going to new places and it seems we don't go to some places because we want to go back to Scotland. Its a hard decision since we are like your husband,, we love the people and could see ourselves living there.

  39. I always wonder about this as well! There are so many places I love that I want to get back to, but there are so many new places to explore! I guess in the end there are some spots you´ll always come back to!

  40. I'm always torn between the two. There is so much of the world left for me to discover, but I often leave places with items left on my must see list. I just need more time and a bigger travel budget so I can do both! :)

  41. Great post, very inspirational. I always have a problem whether to return to the place where I have been and which I liked or discovered new places. There are so many on my map to see. But I genuinely enjoy places I've been to. And when I revisit them always discover something new for me.

  42. I think it's so important to have a bucket list that you can actually DO! I love the tip about having a realistic bucket list.

  43. I really love this insight into travel and how it changes as we age. I know right now, I'm game to go anywhere, however I'm only 44. My parents plan their trips much more thoughtfully at 64 with bad backs and other health concerns.

    1. Good for you to know this early. Leave the easy ones for later.

  44. I totally agree with you regarding keeping the itinerary practical. This makes so much sense and keeps things easy to manage.

  45. This is very relatable. My husband and I try to visit at least one new place each year and still enjoy our favorites too.

  46. Choosing between a brand new destination and a familiar favorite can be a tough decision, but both offer unique experiences! Exploring new places can be exhilarating, while revisiting old favorites brings a sense of comfort and nostalgia. It's all about finding the right balance and enjoying the journey wherever it may take you!

  47. There's so many interesting and beautiful places in the world to visit. Choosing different locations allows you to discover some of them instead of just going to the same place every time.

  48. One of the things we pay attention when choosing a brand new desintantion is the budget. Great and informative post.

  49. This is really a good insight. Many people really don't know where will they go because sometimes its just that they want to try something new but scared to risk.

  50. I agree with you about sticking to a practical bucket list. I personally would also prioritize being with family rather than exploring new places. We haven't tried doing pilgrimages so, we'll definitely consider that during our next vacation trip.


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