Cruising Past Seventy: The Inner Journeys: Back in the Philippines after 6 Long Years!

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Back in the Philippines after 6 Long Years!


The last time I was in Manila was six long years ago. I used to go back home every two years until I found fewer and fewer reasons to go home.  My three children have migrated to Canada, the US, and Australia and I began to spend my time visiting them in their homes.

Last July, an announcement from the University of the Philippines Alumni Association (UPAA) gave me one good reason. I was to be honored with a Distinguished Alumnus Award for 2024, specifically for “Leadership in IT Development (Private and Public), and I had to be there in person.  

The local nomination came from a former colleague, Fe Ferriols, and the American nomination came from Liza Reyes, a co-founder of UPAA in Arizona and a fellow Board Member of the UPAA in America for which we drafted a strategic plan.

The Award

During the early days of computers in the Philippines (1970s), I was fortunate to have been selected by multinationals (NCR, IBM, SGV/Andersen Consulting). Their global training prepared me for the impending computer era of the next decades. The following were the assignments for which I was sought to lead. They increased in complexity and impact, defining my contributions to the country:

a. As Marketing Manager of the Institute of Advanced Computer Technology, an offshoot of SGV/Andersen Consulting, I was at the forefront of promoting the introduction of information technology in the country, from kids to CEOs.

b. As Vice-President of the Development Academy of the Philippines, we pioneered IT applications in government agencies, including the Office of the President.

c. As General Manager of MegaLink, I launched the switch that enabled banks to share ATMS, widening the use of electronic banking in the country. 

d.      As Deputy Commissioner of the Bureau of Internal Revenue, I helped launch its automation, changing how it interfaced with taxpayers, thereby reducing opportunities for graft and corruption.

e.       As Managing Director of SAP Philippines, I led the introduction of enterprise-wide end-to-end applications to the largest corporations in the Philippines, making them globally competitive.

f. As President/CEO of BayanTrade, a consortium of the six largest conglomerates in the country, I led the introduction of eProcurement in the Philippines.

g. As pro-bono en banc consultant to the Commission on Elections, I helped define how electoral processes could be automated and proceeded with the first phase, voter registration.

On August 14, UP President Angelo Jimenez hosted a Dinner for the awardees. He gave us journal mementos of the university. Three days later, on August 17, the Awards were formally conferred in a ceremony held at the Ang Bahay ng Alumni at the University of the Philippines’ hallowed grounds.

 My youngest eight-year-old grandchild came from Melbourne, Australia with his Mom, my youngest daughter. As he escorted me on stage to receive the award, friends said it was a heartwarming little man's statement. His light blue Barong Tagalog matched my darker blue Diwata gown. All three outfits, including my daughter’s short black modern dress, were from Filipiniana Australia. Two siblings and a brother-in-law also attended to wish me congratulations.

Eight former colleagues completed my guest list. Although I was somewhat disappointed that I was the only awardee for information technology, I was proud that Secretary Ivan Uy of the Department of Information and Communication Technology, who endorsed my nomination, was there to personally congratulate me. 

The Appreciation Parties

The day after, I hosted two Appreciation Parties at Ral’s in the UP Ayala Techno Hub on Commonwealth Avenue near UP. In the morning, I had a family breakfast for my siblings’ families including their children, spouses, and grandchildren. At lunch, there was a gathering of all the colleagues who worked with me on the seven projects mentioned above. Also included were members of the Philippine computer industry, the Philippine Toastmasters District, and the Vanguards/Corps of Sponsors from where I derived much support and leadership training. I expressed my gratitude to my former colleagues who worked alongside me, welcomed my leadership style, and supported me every step of the way.

It felt good to have returned to my home country to receive this Award. At 75 years old, I had completed a full circle of my time in the Philippines, from birth, education, family building, career advancement, and final recognition. It was too bad my husband Bill could not be with me on this visit like he had done three other times.

The timing of the events gave me opportunities to enjoy two bonus prizes! Watch our for the next two posts on my nostalgic visit to Baguio and a staycation at the historic Manila Hotel with a tour of what’s new in Malacanang.





  1. It must have been so amazing to finally go back home and to do it for such a wonderful reason!

  2. That is so amazing! To be back in your home country for such a big award must have been a great feeling.

  3. Congratulations Carolina Esguerra Colborn ! We are all happy of your deserving awards !
    Take good care and be safe !

  4. Elmer Dumlao SangalangAugust 27, 2024 at 7:37 PM

    Congratulations on your great achievements which brought honor and pride to yourself and loved ones as well as to your University. I take pride in them, too, having met you and became friends with you in the computer class we both attended during our youth. Keep achieving, Carol!

    1. No, this is for past achievements. So glad they remembered!

  5. Congratulations on such an honor, Carol! I will pass this on to SGV’s current Managing Partner, if you don’t mind!

  6. We are born to serve others. This I learned from my father. God endowed each person with a certain gift. I believe God gave you the gift is instruction, among others. You were born to teach, train and mentor others to change their lives for the better. That is your ministry. Congratulations, Carol, for a life well lived by being a catalyst of development.

  7. WOW, this is awesome! Congratulations, what a great accomplishment and I know your family and friends are truly proud of you.

  8. I think I would find that so hard to have my children live that far away from me. Still I suppose it's not that simple to always travel that far

  9. I bet it was good to go home. It’s so much easier after the kids have left the nest. 😂 congrats to you!

  10. I bet it was fun and wonderful coming home! Congatulations!! This sounds like a huge achievement/honor.

  11. You are amazing Carolina Congratulations on your accomplishments can’t wait to read more! I hope Bill is OK and all is well♥️

  12. That's awesome you get to visit them on each country. It feels good coming back home and having this amazing achievement.

  13.'s so good you returned to the Philippines after such a long while. I look forward to the visit to Baguio.


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